Question LG3

Question text:

You assist humans in solving logic games. Consider the following statements and the question that follows. You may include your reasoning, but you must end your response with a new line and the letter corresponding to the correct answer. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year" If both of the above statements are true, which of the following must also be true? A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year D) Andrés received a bonus this year E) None of these

Strict success criteria:

C on its own line as the last character of the response

Success criteria:

Gives the correct answer C inside of a longer paragraph of reasoning.



Strict Correct


Nous Hermes 2 Yi 34b

Since the first statement says that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year, and the second statement says Andrés did not receive a bonus this year, we can deduce that:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year<|im_end|>

Mixtral 8x7b v0.1 instruct

 statements can be true

The second statement contradicts the first one, so at least one of them must be false. Since we have to assume both are true, then the first statement is incorrect and Andrés did not receive a bonus because he is not an employee of Duluth Paper this year (C).

Gemini Pro 1.0

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3

 C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Here's the reasoning:

1. The first statement says that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. The second statement says that Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.
3. Since we know that Andrés is an employee of Duluth Paper (from the context), and according to the first statement, all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, if the first statement were true, then Andrés would have received a bonus, which contradicts the second statement.
4. Therefore, it must be that Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year (the third option) for both statements to be true.

TinyLlama v1.0 chat 1.1b

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of DuLuth Paper this year.
Correct Answer: A) All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.

CodeLlama 13b Instruct

I'm not sure I understand the question. Could you please rephrase or provide more context?

Vicuna 33b Chat

 A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year

Reasoning: If "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year," then it would be true to say that everyone who is an employee of Duluth Paper got a bonus. However, the second statement says "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year." Since Andrés is mentioned as not receiving a bonus and we are assuming all employees of Duluth Paper received one, there must be at least one person who did not get a bonus, making option A correct.

Zephyr 7B

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

Llama 3 8B Instruct

Let's break it down step by step!

From the first statement, "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year", we know that every employee of Duluth Paper received a bonus.

From the second statement, "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year", we know that Andrés is not among the employees who received a bonus.

Now, since "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" is true, we know that there is no employee who did not receive a bonus. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year

This statement must also be true because it is the negation of the first statement, and the first statement is true.



Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Let's analyze this logically:

1. The first statement says that ALL employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. The second statement says that Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

If both these statements are true, we can deduce that Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper. If he were, he would have received a bonus according to the first statement, which contradicts the second statement.

Let's look at each option:

A) This contradicts the first statement, so it can't be true.
B) This is too extreme and not necessarily true. Some people who received bonuses could be Duluth Paper employees.
C) This is the logical conclusion from the two given statements.
D) This directly contradicts the second statement, so it can't be true.
E) This is not correct because we found a statement (C) that must be true.

Therefore, the correct answer is:


Kunoichi DPO v2 7B

 If both statements are true, then we have a contradiction between statement 1 (All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year) and statement 2 (Andrés did not receive a bonus this year). Since Andrés is not specified to not be an employee of Duluth Paper in statement 2, we can assume that he is an employee of Duluth Paper for the sake of this analysis.

With this assumption, statement 1 cannot be true because it claims all employees received a bonus, but we know Andrés, who is an employee, did not receive a bonus. This means that there must be at least one employee who did not receive a bonus, contradicting statement 1.

Therefore, the only correct answer among the given options is:
A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year

The reason for this conclusion is that the truth of both statements leads to a contradiction with statement 1, making it impossible for all employees to have received a bonus.</s>

StableLM Zephyr 3B

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the given statements step by step:

1. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year": This statement implies that every employee of Duluth Paper got a bonus.
2. "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year": This statement tells us that Andrés, a specific individual, did not receive a bonus.

Now, let's evaluate the options:

A) "Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year": This option contradicts the first statement.
B) "No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper": This option contradicts the first statement as well.
C) "Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year": This option doesn't relate to the statements about receiving bonuses.
D) "Andrés received a bonus this year": This option contradicts the second statement, as Andrés did not receive a bonus.
E) "None of these": This option seems to be the most reasonable choice, as it negates the logical consistency of the first statement, given the information from the second statement.

Therefore, if both statements are true, the correct answer must be E) None of these.<|endoftext|>

Mistral Nemo Instruct 2407

Given that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year, and Andrés did not receive a bonus this year, we can infer that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. Therefore, the statement that must also be true is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

Final answer: C

Gemma 7b IT


* If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, then the statement "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" would be false. Therefore, this statement must be true.
* If Andrés did not receive a bonus, then he would not be an employee of Duluth Paper. Therefore, the statement "No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper" would also be true.

**Answer:** C

The statement "Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year" is true, therefore the answer is C.<eos>

Mixtral 11bx2 MoE 19b

To determine the truth of each statement given the provided information, let's break them down:

Statement 1: "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year"
- This implies that there were no Duluth Paper employees who did not receive a bonus.

Statement 2: "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year"
- This implies that Andrés did not get a bonus. However, it does not provide any direct information about whether Andrés is an employee of Duluth Paper or not. 

Now, let's analyze each answer choice:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year
- Directly contradicts Statement 1.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper
- Contradicts Statement 1 but does not have any basis in Statement 2.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year
- This could be true since he did not receive a bonus, but Statement 2 does not explicitly state this.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year
- Directly contradicts Statement 2.

E) None of these
- If none of the other choices are correct, this could be the correct answer as a catch-all.

Since C) could be true but is not explicitly confirmed by the given statements, the correct answer is:

C) __Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year__
(Answer: C)</s>

Gemma 2b IT

**A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year**

The statements are logically equivalent, so if both are true, then the other statements must also be true.<eos>

Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B

Given the statements:

1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

We can deduce that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. If he was, he would have received a bonus according to the first statement. So, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.<|im_end|>

Claude 3 Sonnet

To solve this logic problem, we need to analyze the given statements and determine which conclusion necessarily follows from them.

Statement 1: "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year."
Statement 2: "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year."

If both statements are true, then the only possible conclusion is that Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Here's the reasoning:

1. Statement 1 says that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus.
2. Statement 2 says that Andrés did not receive a bonus.
3. If Andrés was an employee of Duluth Paper, he would have received a bonus according to Statement 1.
4. However, since Andrés did not receive a bonus (Statement 2), it means he was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

Mixtral 34x2 MoE 60b

 must be true
Let's analyze the given statements:
1) All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2) Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.
Since both statements are assumed to be true, we can deduce that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper based on statement 1 and his lack of bonus from statement 2 (as per the first statement, only employees of Duluth Paper would receive bonuses).

The correct answer is: C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

GPT 4o mini

To analyze the statements:

1. The first statement indicates that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. The second statement indicates that Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

Since the first statement asserts that all employees received a bonus, and Andrés did not receive a bonus, it implies that Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper. If he were an employee, he would have received a bonus according to the first statement.

Now let's evaluate the options:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year - This is true because Andrés did not receive a bonus, which contradicts the first statement if we assume he was an employee.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper - This is not necessarily true. The statement does not provide information about other employees who did receive bonuses.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year - This must be true since if he were an employee, he would have received a bonus.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year - This is false because the second statement explicitly states that he did not receive a bonus.

E) None of these - This is incorrect since option C must be true.

Given the analysis, the correct answer is:


Neural Hermes 2.5 7B

Let's analyze the given statements:

1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

Now, let's evaluate each answer choice:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year - This statement contradicts the first statement, which says that all employees did receive a bonus. So, this cannot be true if both statements are true.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper - This statement is not supported by the given information. According to the first statement, all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year - We don't have enough information to determine Andrés' employment status at Duluth Paper. So, we cannot conclude this from the given statements.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year - This statement contradicts the second statement, which says that Andrés did not receive a bonus. So, this cannot be true if both statements are true.

E) None of these - This option implies that none of the other options can be true. Since options A and D are contradictory to the given statements, and B is not supported by the information provided, this option must be true.

So, the correct answer is E) None of these.<|im_end|>

Nous Hermes 2 SOLAR 10.7B

First, let's identify the conflicting statements:

1. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year"
2. "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year"

From these two statements, we can infer that Andrés is an employee of Duluth Paper. If he were not an employee, then the first statement would not be relevant to him not receiving a bonus.

Now, let's analyze each answer choice:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year - This statement contradicts the first statement, so it cannot be true.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper - This statement also contradicts the first statement, so it cannot be true.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year - This statement contradicts our inference from the conflicting statements, so it cannot be true.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year - This statement contradicts the second statement, so it cannot be true.

E) None of these - This statement is true, as none of the other options are valid conclusions based on the given information.

Correct answer: E) None of these.<|im_end|>

H2O Danube 1.8b Chat

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year</s>

H2O Danube 3 4b Chat


Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct

If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year, and Andrés did not receive a bonus this year, it must be true that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper this year. Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.<|end|>

Starling LM 7B Beta

 Let's analyze the given statements and the possible answers:

1. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year."
2. "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year."

From these statements, we can deduce that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper, because if he were, he would have received a bonus according to the first statement.

Now, let's examine the possible answers:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
This statement contradicts the first statement, which claims that all employees received a bonus. Therefore, this cannot be the correct answer.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper.
This statement is also contradicted by the first statement, which says that all employees received a bonus. Thus, this cannot be the correct answer either.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.
This statement is supported by our analysis of the given statements, as we deduced that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. Therefore, this must be the correct answer.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year.
This statement contradicts the second statement, which says that Andrés did not receive a bonus. Thus, this cannot be the correct answer.

E) None of these.
Since we have found a correct answer (C), this option is not correct.

So, the correct answer is C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.<|end_of_turn|>

Claude 3 Haiku

If the statements "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" and "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year" are both true, then the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

- The first statement indicates that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
- The second statement says that Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.
- Since Andrés did not receive a bonus, and all employees of Duluth Paper did receive a bonus, it follows that Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.


Gemma 2 9B IT

Here's the reasoning:

* The first statement tells us *all* Duluth Paper employees received a bonus.
* The second statement says Andrés *did not* receive a bonus.

Therefore, Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper. 


Claude 3 Opus

To determine which statement must be true, let's analyze the given information:

1. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year"
2. "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year"

If both statements are true, we can conclude that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. If he were an employee, he would have received a bonus according to the first statement. Since he did not receive a bonus, he cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper.

Now, let's examine each option:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year - This contradicts the first statement, so it cannot be true.
B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper - This contradicts the first statement, so it cannot be true.
C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year - This aligns with our conclusion based on the given statements.
D) Andrés received a bonus this year - This contradicts the second statement, so it cannot be true.
E) None of these - This is incorrect because option C is true.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.


Gemma 2 27B IT

The first statement says ALL employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus. The second statement says Andrés did NOT receive a bonus.  Since these two statements are true, Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper. 


Gemma 1.1 2B IT

**Answer: A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year**

From the given statements, we know that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year, and Andrés did not receive a bonus this year. Therefore, it is impossible for all employees of Duluth Paper to have received a bonus this year, hence option A is true.

GPT-3.5 Turbo 0125

If Andrés did not receive a bonus and all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, then Andrés must not be an employee of Duluth Paper this year. 

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

StableLM 2 1.6B Chat

The correct answer is A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.

Here's the reasoning:

1. Both statements are true: "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" and "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year".
2. Since all employees received a bonus, not all employees must have not received a bonus, which means there must be an employee who did not receive a bonus.
3. The statement "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year" indicates that Andrés is the employee who did not receive a bonus. Therefore, it's logical to deduce that he must have been an employee of Duluth Paper at some point but not this year.
4. Combining the information from both statements, we know that not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year, so the answer is A).

Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2

 Based on the given statements, the correct answer is C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year. The first statement says that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year, while the second statement says that Andrés did not receive a bonus. Since Andrés is not an employee who received a bonus, it must be that Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Gemma 1.1 7b IT


If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, and Andrés did not receive a bonus, then Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper.

**Answer:** C

Llama 3 70B

Let's analyze the statements:

1. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year"
2. "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year"

From statement 1, we know that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus.
From statement 2, we know that Andrés did not receive a bonus.

If Andrés did not receive a bonus, and all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, then Andrés must not be an employee of Duluth Paper.

Therefore, the correct answer is:


GPT-4 Turbo 0125-preview

Given the first statement, we know that every employee of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year. The second statement tells us that Andrés did not receive a bonus. If we combine these two pieces of information, the only logical conclusion that aligns with both statements is that Andrés could not have been an employee of Duluth Paper this year because all employees of Duluth Paper did receive a bonus, and Andrés did not.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

GPT-4 Turbo 0409

Given the statements:
1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus and Andrés did not receive a bonus, it must be the case that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. This is because, if he were an employee, he would have received a bonus, contradicting the second statement.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct (2024-07-01)

If both of the above statements are true, then A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year must be true. This is because Andrés did not receive a bonus, which contradicts the first statement that all employees received a bonus. The other options do not necessarily follow from the given statements.

Gemini 1.5 Pro

The second statement says Andrés did not receive a bonus, and the first statement says all Duluth Paper employees got a bonus. The only way both of these statements can be true is if Andrés is not a Duluth Paper employee. 

Command-R v01

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Duluth Paper employees all received a bonus - this would not be true if Andrés, an employee of Duluth Paper, did not receive a bonus. Therefore, Andrés could not have been employed by Duluth Paper this year. 


Hermes 2 Pro Llama 3

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year

Reasoning: The first statement says "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year," which implies that 100% of the employees received a bonus. The second statement says "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year." If the first statement is true, then the second statement cannot be true, since it contradicts it. So, we can conclude that the first statement must be false, which means not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.


To solve this problem, let's analyze the statements logically:

1. "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year."
2. "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year."

From the first statement, we understand that every single employee of Duluth Paper received a bonus. There are no exceptions.

From the second statement, Andrés did not receive a bonus.

If both statements are true, then Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper, because if he were, he would have received a bonus, which contradicts the second statement.

Therefore, the correct conclusion must be:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year

Gemini 1.5 Flash

The first statement says that all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus. The second statement says that Andrés did not receive a bonus.  Since both statements are true, we can conclude that Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper. 


SFR Iterated DPO Llama 3 8B R

The correct answer is A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year. 

The reasoning behind this is that, given the two statements: 1) "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" and 2) "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year," it directly follows that there must be at least one employee (Andrés) who did not receive a bonus. Therefore, it's accurate to conclude that not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year. The other options do not necessarily follow from the given statements. New line: A

Hermes 2 Theta Llama 3 8B

Since both statements are true, we can deduce that:

- All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year (Statement 1)
- Andrés did not receive a bonus this year (Statement 2)

From these two statements, we can conclude that:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year (since Andrés, an employee, did not receive a bonus)

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year

Yi 1.5 9B Chat

The first statement tells us that "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year." This means if you are an employee of Duluth Paper, you did receive a bonus.

The second statement says, "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year." This directly contradicts the first statement if Andrés is an employee of Duluth Paper because, according to the first statement, if he were an employee, he would have received a bonus.

Therefore, if both statements are true, Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper this year. 

So, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Therefore, the final letter corresponding to the correct answer is C.<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 34B Chat

The first statement asserts that "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year." The second statement says, "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year." Given both statements are true, we can infer from them that Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper this year, because if he were, he would have received a bonus, which contradicts the fact that he did not receive a bonus.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 6B Chat

Given the statements:

1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

Let's analyze the options:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year - This statement could be true because even though all employees did receive a bonus, it doesn't mean that none of them didn't receive the bonus. This statement could be true if some employees received bonuses in a different year or if Andrés is not an employee. So, this option is possible.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper - This statement contradicts the first statement because it implies that bonuses were given to non-employees of Duluth Paper, which is not possible according to the first statement. So, this option is not true.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year - This statement could be true because Andrés did not receive a bonus, which implies he is not an employee, but we cannot definitively conclude this from the given statements. This statement is possible but not necessarily true.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year - This statement is directly contradicted by the second statement, which states that Andrés did not receive a bonus this year. So, this option is not true.

E) None of these - Given that options A, B, C, and D are all possible based on the given statements, "None of these" would be incorrect as at least one of them could be true.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year<|im_end|>

Llama 3 Refueled

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year

Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, and Andrés did not receive a bonus, then it must be true that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. The statements do not address what other companies' employees received, so we can't conclude anything about that.
