Yi 1.5 6B Chat

Score051015202527Size (bn params, log scale)0.5110101001000Yi 1.5 6B Chat




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Yi 1.5


6B parameters


Apache 2.0

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Strict Correct





(A) underscore an astounding fact<|im_end|>


Offered to share her collection for Sofie to pick one out.<|im_end|>


Ben jokingly suggested using a hatband as a makeshift pawn.<|im_end|>


Paul grinned, "Experience helps, doesn't it?"<|im_end|>


They found a hidden storage room filled with old, dusty balls.<|im_end|>









The passage describes Jim Gilmore as being short and dark with big mustaches and big hands. It also mentions that he is a good horseshoer and does not look much like a blacksmith, which further supports the description of him being short and dark with a big mustache.<|im_end|>


To solve this problem, let's define the variables:

Let the width of the garden be \( w \) feet.
Since the length is four times the width, the length will be \( 4w \) feet.

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula:
\[ P = 2 \times ( \text{length} + \text{width} ) \]

Given that the perimeter \( P \) is 60 feet, we can set up the equation:
\[ 60 = 2 \times (4w + w) \]

Now, let's solve for \( w \):

\[ 60 = 2 \times 5w \]
\[ 60 = 10w \]
\[ w = \frac{60}{10} \]
\[ w = 6 \]

Therefore, the width of the garden is 6 feet.<|im_end|>


A) the frequency with which he thought of her<|im_end|>


A) degree to which a friendship has blossomed<|im_end|>


B) Juxtapose two peoples' sentiments<|im_end|>


Let's analyze the statements and options step by step:

1. "All members of the chess team are also members of the robotics club."
   This means that any person who is on the chess team must also be in the robotics club.

2. "No members of the basketball team are members of the chess team."
   This means that there are no overlaps between the basketball team and the chess team; they are entirely separate groups.

Now, let's consider the options:

(A) If Izak is in the robotics club, then he is not on the basketball team.
This statement follows from the fact that there are no members of the basketball team in the chess team (and thus in the robotics club). So, if Izak is in the robotics club, he cannot be in the basketball team, which is a true statement based on the given information.

(B) If Jerry is in the robotics club, then he is on the chess team.
This statement is not necessarily true. While it's true that all members of the chess team are in the robotics club, there could be members in the robotics club who are not in the chess team. The statement does not guarantee that Jerry, if in the robotics club, is specifically in the chess team.

(C) If Lisa is on the basketball team, then she is not in the robotics club.
This statement is true based on the information given. Since no members of the basketball team are in the chess team (and thus in the robotics club), if Lisa is on the basketball team, she cannot be in the robotics club.

(D) If Sanjit is on the chess team, then he is on the basketball team.
This statement is not necessarily true. While it's true that all members of the chess team are in the robotics club, and all members of the basketball team are not in the chess team, there could be members in the robotics club who are not in the chess team. Sanjit could be in the robotics club but not in the basketball team.

(E) If Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, then he is not on the chess team.
This statement is true based on the information given. Since all members of the chess team are in the robotics club, if Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, he cannot be in the chess team.

Given the analysis above, the correct answer is (A) If Izak is in the robotics club, then he is not on the basketball team, as it directly follows from the given statements.<|im_end|>


Given the information:

1. Britain = Broken Sword
2. Son = Neither Gold Doubloon nor Silver Watch
3. Egypt = Family Tree
4. Mother = Silver Watch, not in Mexico
5. Grandmother = Gold Doubloon, in Denmark or Canada

From statement 2, since the son can't have the silver watch or gold doubloon, he must have the oceanic map. Therefore, the family members and their items are:

- Britain = Broken Sword (Father)
- Son = Oceanic Map (Daughter)
- Egypt = Family Tree (Grandmother)
- Mother = Silver Watch (not in Mexico)
- Grandmother = Gold Doubloon (in Denmark or Canada)

Since the mother isn't in Mexico, she must be in Canada. This means the grandmother is in Denmark. The son is in Canada, which confirms our placement of the oceanic map.

Therefore, the daughter, who has the oceanic map, is in Canada.

Canada = Oceanic Map (Daughter)<|im_end|>


◆, ▲, →, ★<|im_end|>


★. Lucky the rabbit's owner, Vidya, schedules a minor surgery for him due to the growth of a benign tumor.
●. Lucky is put under anesthesia, and Dr. Hahn starts the procedure.
◆. Dr. Hahn washes his hands thoroughly in preparation for the surgery.
▲. The veterinary assistant calls Lucky's owner to inform her that the surgery was successful.<|im_end|>


★, ▲, ●, ◆<|im_end|>


The correct order of the steps is:

★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
◆. Store the "New Password" as the password and notify the user "Password successfully set"; do not complete any more steps<|im_end|>


To solve this problem, we need to determine the value of n, which represents the number of verses each student is supposed to write, according to the given instructions.

The instructions state that each student is supposed to write n verses, plus twice as many verses as the number of their class rank. This can be written as an equation:

Number of verses = n + 2 * (class rank)

We know that the 7th student wrote 20 verses. Let's substitute the class rank with 7 and the number of verses written by the 7th student into the equation:

20 = n + 2 * 7

Now, let's solve for n:

20 = n + 14

Subtract 14 from both sides of the equation:

20 - 14 = n

n = 6

So, the value of n is 6. Each student is supposed to write 6 verses, plus twice as many verses as their class rank.<|im_end|>


To find the value of 4 ◘ 3, we will substitute x with 4 and y with 3 in the given operation definition:

4 ◘ 3 = 2(4) - 3(3) + 1

Now, we will perform the operations step-by-step:

= 8 - 9 + 1

= -1 + 1

= 0

So, the value of 4 ◘ 3 is 0.<|im_end|>


To find out how long it will take John to reach the park, we need to use the formula for time, which is:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the distance to the park is 60 miles and John's speed is 30 mph, we can plug these values into the formula:

Time = 60 miles / 30 mph

Now, we divide 60 by 30:

Time = 2 hours

So, it will take John 2 hours to reach the park.<|im_end|>


To find the integers greater than 99 and less than 200 with exactly one duplicate digit, we need to consider the structure of the numbers and the condition given: the hundreds' digit duplicates the ones' digit.

Since the number must be greater than 99 and less than 200, the hundreds' digit can only be 1. This is because if the hundreds' digit were 2, the number would be at least 200, which is too large.

Given that the hundreds' digit duplicates the ones' digit, the ones' digit must also be 1 (since it cannot be larger than 9 and must match the hundreds' digit). However, the tens' digit cannot be 1 because then we would have two duplicate digits (the tens' and ones' place). Therefore, the tens' digit must be different from both the hundreds' and ones' digits.

Given these constraints, we can list the possible numbers:

1. 101 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
2. 110 (ones' place is 0, but tens' place is not a 1)
3. 112 (ones' place is 2, which is not allowed because it violates the condition of having exactly one duplicate digit)
4. 121 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
5. 131 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
6. 141 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
7. 151 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
8. 161 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
9. 171 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
10. 181 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)
11. 191 (ones' place is 1, but tens' place is not a 1)

From the list above, we can see that there are 10 numbers that fit the criteria of being greater than 99 and less than 200 with exactly one duplicate digit.

Therefore, the concise representation of the correct answer is: There are 10 integers greater than 99 and less than 200 with exactly one duplicate digit.<|im_end|>


Given the statements:

1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

Let's analyze the options:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year - This statement could be true because even though all employees did receive a bonus, it doesn't mean that none of them didn't receive the bonus. This statement could be true if some employees received bonuses in a different year or if Andrés is not an employee. So, this option is possible.

B) No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper - This statement contradicts the first statement because it implies that bonuses were given to non-employees of Duluth Paper, which is not possible according to the first statement. So, this option is not true.

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year - This statement could be true because Andrés did not receive a bonus, which implies he is not an employee, but we cannot definitively conclude this from the given statements. This statement is possible but not necessarily true.

D) Andrés received a bonus this year - This statement is directly contradicted by the second statement, which states that Andrés did not receive a bonus this year. So, this option is not true.

E) None of these - Given that options A, B, C, and D are all possible based on the given statements, "None of these" would be incorrect as at least one of them could be true.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) Not all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year<|im_end|>


Given that all of Lisa's sisters can bake, let's analyze each option:

(A) If Jane cannot bake, then she is not Lisa's sister.
This statement implies that if Jane cannot bake, we can conclude she is not one of Lisa's sisters, given our initial premise. This is logically sound because if Jane cannot bake and all of Lisa's sisters can bake, then Jane must not be one of Lisa's sisters.

(B) If Sarah can bake, then she is not Lisa's sister.
This statement is not necessarily true. We know that all of Lisa's sisters can bake, but we don't know if Sarah is one of those sisters or not. If Sarah can bake and is one of Lisa's sisters, then the statement is false.

(C) If Mary can bake, then she is Lisa's sister.
This statement could be true if Mary is one of the sisters who can bake. However, it's also possible that Mary cannot bake and still be Lisa's sister, as long as some other sister can bake instead. Therefore, this statement is not necessarily true based solely on the given information.

(D) If Emma is not Lisa's sister, then she cannot bake.
This statement is logically sound if we interpret "Emma" as a placeholder for any potential sister of Lisa. If Emma (whether she's a sister or not) cannot bake, and we know all of Lisa's sisters can bake, then Emma must not be one of Lisa's sisters. This is because if Emma were one of Lisa's sisters, she would have to be able to bake, given the initial premise.

Given the analysis above, the most accurate answers are (A) and (D), as they follow logically from the given statement. However, since the question asks which one must also be true, the best answer is:

(D) If Emma is not Lisa's sister, then she cannot bake.<|im_end|>


Given the information, let's break down the clues:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

From clue 5, we know the grandmother is not in Mexico. From clue 4, the mother cannot have the silver watch. Therefore, the mother must have the gold doubloon. This means the grandmother is in Canada, not Denmark.

Now, we know the son is not in Denmark and does not have the gold doubloon or silver watch. Since the mother has the gold doubloon (the doubloon cannot go to the son, the grandmother, or the person in Mexico), the son must be in Canada.

The son is in Canada, which means the grandmother is in Canada as well. However, we already established that the grandmother is in Canada. This means our deductions are consistent, and there's no contradiction.

Now, we need to determine where the Mother is. We know the mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico. Since the grandmother is in Canada and has the gold doubloon, the mother cannot have the gold doubloon. Therefore, the mother must have the silver watch.

So, if the Grandmother is in Denmark, the Mother must be in Britain, as that is the only location left for the mother to be based on the information provided.<|im_end|>