Gemma 7b IT

Score051015202527Size (bn params, log scale)0.5110101001000Gemma 7b IT




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Strict Correct




The passage describes Jim Gilmore as short and dark with big mustaches and big hands. He does not look much like a blacksmith even with his leather apron on. Therefore, the answer is B.





* The perimeter of a rectangular garden is equal to 2(length + width).
* Therefore, we need to find the relationship between the length and width to be able to substitute it into the equation for the perimeter.
* Since the length is four times the width, we can write the length as 4w.
* Substituting this into the equation for the perimeter, we get 2(4w) + 2w = 60.


The width of the garden is 5 feet.<eos>



The passage states that Oxford University has educated more authors and world leaders than any other university, making this fact the most significant contribution to its uniqueness.<eos>



* If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus, then the statement "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year" would be false. Therefore, this statement must be true.
* If Andrés did not receive a bonus, then he would not be an employee of Duluth Paper. Therefore, the statement "No one who received a bonus is an employee of Duluth Paper" would also be true.

**Answer:** C

The statement "Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year" is true, therefore the answer is C.<eos>



* The integer 909 has exactly one duplicate digit, which is the digit 9.
* The integer 999 does not fit the definition because the digit 9 is duplicated twice.
* To have exactly one duplicate digit, the digit in the hundreds' place must be equal to the digit in the ones' place.
* For a given number, the number of duplicate digits can be counted by comparing the digits in the number.


The number of integers greater than 99 and less than 200 that have exactly one duplicate digit is 10.<eos>



The author's repetitive use of "She liked it" serves to emphasize the friendliness of Liz's disposition. Throughout the passage, Liz expresses her fondness for Jim through her repeated use of "She liked it." This repetition highlights Liz's strong feelings for Jim and her desire to convey those feelings to the reader.





The passage primarily focuses on the character of Jim Gilmore and Liz Coates. The first paragraph introduces Jim, his appearance, and his occupation as a blacksmith. The second and third paragraphs delve into Liz's character and her relationship with Jim. The passage primarily contrasts Liz and Jim's appearances and sentiments.





If all of Lisa's sisters can bake, then it logically follows that if a sister cannot bake, she is not Lisa's sister. Therefore, the answer is (A).





- If all members of the chess team are also members of the robotics club, and no members of the basketball team are members of the chess team, then it follows logically that there are no individuals who are members of both the chess team and the basketball team.

**Answer:** (A)


If both statements are true, then the following logical deduction is correct:

If Izak is in the robotics club, then he is not on the basketball team.<eos>



1. We know that the Grandmother is in Denmark and has the gold doubloon.
2. The son does not have the gold doubloon or the silver watch.
3. The mother has the silver watch but is not in Mexico.
4. Therefore, the Mother must be in either Britain or Egypt.


The Mother is in Britain.<eos>


▲, ☆, ◆

The camera was borrowed before the photos were deleted, therefore the sequence is in the order shown above.<eos>


★, ◆, ●, ▲

The logic sequence is:

1. Vidya schedules a minor surgery for Lucky.
2. Dr. Hahn washes his hands in preparation for the surgery.
3. Lucky is put under anesthesia and Dr. Hahn starts the procedure.
4. The veterinary assistant calls Lucky's owner to inform her that the surgery was successful.<eos>


▲, ★, ☆, ◆, ●

The logic sequence is: Asim bought a ring, then he proposed to Meriem during a romantic dinner, followed by their wedding ceremony, where they had a beautiful ceremony surrounded by friends and family, and finally, they arrived at the airport to start their honeymoon.<eos>


★, ☆, ▲, ◆, ●

1. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
2. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
3. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again"
4. Store the "New Password" as the password and notify the user "Password successfully set"<eos>



* The number of verses written by each student is n plus twice the number of verses written by the student's class rank.
* The 7th student wrote 20 verses.
* Therefore, the value of n is equal to the number of verses written by the student's class rank minus two.


The value of n is 4.<eos>



The author uses the statistic "seven new words per day" to emphasize the ease of language acquisition for children and to illustrate the sheer utility driving young learners.<eos>


The answer is: "offered to lend her own swimsuit."

Elena liked to cool off on hot days by going swimming at a nearby park. She loved wearing a different colored swimsuit each day of the week. One day in July, she called her friend Sofie to check if she wanted to come along to the pool. Sofie said she would love to, but she didn't have a swimsuit. Elena offered to lend her own swimsuit.<eos>


The answer is: "A pawn was added to the set and Lily's face brightened."<eos>


The answer is: "The counselor retrieved the hidden ball from the storage building."

The completed story is:

The last day of summer camp, Mia recruited a group of students to challenge the camp counselors to a game of volleyball to commemorate their week. The volleyball court was a sandy area with a net next to a low storage building with a flat roof. When the time came for the game, no one could seem to find a ball to play, despite the fact that balls had been plentiful at the beginning of the week. Mia had an idea. The counselor retrieved the hidden ball from the storage building. One of the counselors replied, "I have the keys." He unlocked the door and together they ascended a narrow staircase.<eos>



The passage describes ancient techniques for preserving food using salt and drying in the sun.<eos>



The passage proposes that one way to encourage recycling is to shift responsibility for the costs of recycling to manufacturers.<eos>



The author mentions the whiteness of Liz Coates's teeth and Jim's notice of that detail when he smiled. This detail is included to show that Jim has noticed Liz Coates.

**Answer:** C

**New line:**

The passage describes various details about Jim and Liz's interactions and physical attributes. The author includes the detail of Jim noticing Liz's clean teeth to demonstrate his awareness of her appearance.<eos>



1. We know that the person in Britain has the broken sword, so it's not the daughter.
2. The son doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, so he must be in either Mexico or Canada.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree, so they must be in Egypt.
4. The mother has the silver watch, but she's not in Mexico, so she must be in either Denmark or Canada.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon, and she's either in Denmark or Canada.

Therefore, the only remaining family member is the daughter, and she must have the oceanic map, which is in Denmark.


The daughter has the oceanic map and is located in Denmark.<eos>



The word "glossy" is used in the third paragraph to describe the narrative that forgets the sheer utility driving young learners. The narrative is glossy because it is smooth and pleasant to hear, but it does not provide much information or substance.<eos>


The answer is: "The train platform was bathed in a golden glow, and the smell of fresh earth filled the air."

The completed story:

Jane and Paul had just gotten off an overnight train ride ready for a day of backpacking. Stepping onto the platform, the couple saw the first rays of the sun meet their eyes. Jane glanced down at her phone and suddenly went quiet. The train platform was bathed in a golden glow, and the smell of fresh earth filled the air. Paul replied, "Believe it or not, I think we will be just fine!" Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out a portable solar charger. Jane stared at him in disbelief, "Seriously Paul, your preparation in any situation never ceases to surprise me!"<eos>



The operation ◘ is defined as x ◘ y = 2x - 3y + 1. To find the value of 4 ◘ 3, we need to substitute x = 4 and y = 3 into the equation.


4 ◘ 3 = 2(4) - 3(3) + 1

= 8 - 9 + 1

= 0





To find the time it takes for John to travel to the park, we need to use the formula for time traveled, which is:

Time traveled = Distance traveled / Speed


Substituting the values of distance and speed into the formula, we get:

Time traveled = 60 miles / 30 mph

= 2 hours


John will take 2 hours to reach the park.<eos>