Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B

Score051015202527Size (bn params, log scale)0.5110101001000Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B




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Mia remembered seeing a ball stuck on the roof earlier.<|im_end|>


C) By preserving it with salt<|im_end|>




A) It is very old<|im_end|>


(A) underscore an astounding fact<|im_end|>


offered to lend Sofie one of her extra swimsuits.<|im_end|>


Ben placed his hat on the empty pawn's spot as a makeshift replacement.<|im_end|>


Let the width of the garden be represented by the variable w (in feet). The length of the garden is then 4w (since it is four times the width).

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula:

Perimeter = 2 * (length + width)

In this case, the perimeter is 60 feet, so we can write the equation:

60 = 2 * (4w + w)

Simplify the equation:

60 = 2 * (5w)

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2:

30 = 5w

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 5 to find the value of w:

w = 30 / 5

w = 6

So, the width of the garden is 6 feet.

Answer: 6 feet<|im_end|>


The author's repetitive use of "She liked it" serves to emphasize the degree to which a friendship has blossomed. This is seen in the way the character Liz Coates becomes more and more fond of Jim, noticing small details about him and appreciating different aspects of his personality and appearance. The answer is A.<|im_end|>


B) Juxtapose two peoples' sentiments<|im_end|>


Since all of Lisa's sisters can bake, we can deduce the following:

(C) If Mary can bake, then she is Lisa's sister

The other options do not necessarily follow from the given statement. For example, we cannot conclude that someone who cannot bake is not Lisa's sister (Option A), or that someone who can bake is not Lisa's sister (Option B). Similarly, we cannot infer anything about Emma, as she was not mentioned in the initial statement (Option D).

So, the correct answer is:

(C) If Mary can bake, then she is Lisa's sister<|im_end|>


Let's break down the given statements and the options:

1. All members of the chess team are also members of the robotics club.
2. No members of the basketball team are members of the chess team.

(A) If Izak is in the robotics club, then he is not on the basketball team
(B) If Jerry is in the robotics club, then he is on the chess team
(C) If Lisa is on the basketball team, then she is not in the robotics club
(D) If Sanjit is on the chess team, then he is on the basketball team
(E) If Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, then he is not on the chess team

From statement 1, we know that if someone is on the chess team, they are also in the robotics club. From statement 2, we know that if someone is on the basketball team, they are not on the chess team.

Now let's analyze the options:

(A) This statement is consistent with both given statements. If Izak is in the robotics club, by statement 1, he must be on the chess team. And if he is on the chess team, by statement 2, he can't be on the basketball team.

(B) This statement is not consistent with the given statements. If Jerry is in the robotics club, he must be on the chess team (statement 1). But this does not necessarily mean he is not on the basketball team.

(C) This statement is consistent with both given statements. If Lisa is on the basketball team, by statement 2, she can't be on the chess team. And if she is not on the chess team, by statement 1, she must not be in the robotics club.

(D) This statement is not consistent with the given statements. If Sanjit is on the chess team, by statement 1, he is also in the robotics club. But this does not necessarily mean he is on the basketball team.

(E) This statement is consistent with both given statements. If Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, by statement 1, he can't be on the chess team. And if he is not on the chess team, by statement 2, he can't be on the basketball team.

So, the correct answer is (E). If Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, then he is not on the chess team.<|im_end|>


The daughter must be in Canada.

1. We know the father doesn't have the silver watch and isn't in Denmark.
2. Since the son doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, he must be either in Mexico or Egypt.
3. The grandmother has the gold doubloon, so she can't be in Egypt, where the family tree is. Therefore, she is in Denmark.
4. The mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico. So, she must be in Britain.
5. The father is not in Denmark, so he must be in Canada, which leaves the daughter as the only family member who can be in Egypt, where the family tree is.
6. Since the daughter has the oceanic map and is in Egypt, she is not in Canada.

Thus, the daughter is in Canada with the oceanic map.<|im_end|>


The Mother is in Canada.

1. We know that the Grandmother has the gold doubloon and is in Denmark.
2. The Son doesn't have the gold doubloon nor the silver watch and is not in Denmark.
3. The Father doesn't have the gold doubloon, so he must have either the broken sword, the oceanic map, or the family tree.
4. The Mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico, so she can't be in Britain (since the person there has the broken sword).
5. Since the Son is not in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon nor the silver watch, he must be in Canada. This means the Mother must be in the remaining country, which is Canada.<|im_end|>


◆. Max accidentally deletes all the photos his mom took on their vacation last month.
▲. Max borrows his mom's camera to take photos of his school science project.
★. Max downloads a new software program to try and recover the photos.<|im_end|>


★, ◆, ●, ▲<|im_end|>


★. Asim proposed to Meriem during a romantic dinner.
▲. Asim bought a ring with something special in mind.
●. Asim and Meriem had a beautiful ceremony surrounded by friends and family.
◆. The newlyweds arrived at the airport to start their honeymoon.<|im_end|>


●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
◆. Store the "New Password" as the password and notify the user "Password successfully set"; do not complete any more steps<|im_end|>


Jane and Paul shared a laugh.<|im_end|>


The correct answer is B) Short and dark with a big mustache and big hands. This description directly matches the physical characteristics of Jim Gilmore mentioned in the passage.<|im_end|>


(B) sophisticated<|im_end|>


Given the statements:

1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

We can deduce that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. If he was, he would have received a bonus according to the first statement. So, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.<|im_end|>


C) the whiteness of her teeth

The author includes the detail that Jim noticed Liz Coates's white teeth when she smiled, showing that he has observed her. This is evident in the passage where it says, "He liked her face because it was so jolly but he never thought about her. [...] She liked it very much that he didn't look like a blacksmith. [...] One day she found that she liked it the way the hair was black on his arms and how white they were above the tanned line when he washed up in the washbasin outside the house. Liking that made her feel funny." (B-D) are not mentioned as details that Jim has noticed, and (A) states that he "never thought about her," implying that he has not been deeply focused on her, only observing superficial characteristics.<|im_end|>


Let's break down the information given:

1. Each student is supposed to write n verses.
2. Each student is also supposed to write twice as many verses as their class rank.
3. The 7th student wrote 20 verses.

Since the 7th student wrote 20 verses, we can represent this as: n + 2*7 = 20.

Simplifying the equation, we have: n + 14 = 20.

Now, we can solve for n:

n = 20 - 14
n = 6

So, the value of n is 6.<|im_end|>


First, let's apply the operation ◘ on the given numbers:

4 ◘ 3 = 2(4) - 3(3) + 1

Now, perform the arithmetic operations:

= 8 - 9 + 1

Next, add and subtract from left to right:

= -1 + 1

Finally, we get the result:

= 0

So, the value of 4 ◘ 3 is 0.<|im_end|>


First, we need to determine the time it takes for John to travel 60 miles at a speed of 30 mph. To do this, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Plugging in the given values:

Time = 60 miles / 30 mph

Time = 2 hours

So, it will take John 2 hours to reach the park.<|im_end|>


Let's analyze the problem step by step.

1. The integer is greater than 99 and less than 200, so the possible digits for the hundreds' place are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
2. The hundreds' digit must duplicate the units' digit to have exactly one duplicate digit.
3. When the hundreds' digit is 1, the integer would be 111, which is less than 200. However, this is not allowed since the number must be greater than 99. So, we can eliminate 1.
4. When the hundreds' digit is 2, the integer would be 221. This is a valid candidate since it's greater than 99 and less than 200.
5. Similarly, when the hundreds' digit is 3, the integer would be 331, which is also a valid candidate.
6. When the hundreds' digit is 4, the integer would be 441, which is also a valid candidate.
7. When the hundreds' digit is 5, the integer would be 551, which is also a valid candidate.
8. When the hundreds' digit is 6, the integer would be 661, which is also a valid candidate.
9. When the hundreds' digit is 7, the integer would be 771, which is also a valid candidate.
10. When the hundreds' digit is 8, the integer would be 881, which is also a valid candidate.

So, there are 8 integers that fit the given conditions.

The final answer is 8.<|im_end|>