Yi 1.5 9B Chat

Score051015202527Size (bn params, log scale)0.5110101001000Yi 1.5 9B Chat




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Yi 1.5


9B parameters


Apache 2.0

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Q4 K M



Strict Correct





To find the width of the garden, let's start by setting up equations based on the information given.

Let \(W\) represent the width of the garden, and \(L\) represent the length of the garden.

According to the problem, the length is four times the width, so we can write this relationship as:
\[L = 4W\]

The perimeter \(P\) of a rectangle is given by the formula:
\[P = 2L + 2W\]

We are told the perimeter of the garden is 60 feet, so:
\[60 = 2L + 2W\]

Substituting the expression for \(L\) in terms of \(W\) into the perimeter equation, we get:
\[60 = 2(4W) + 2W\]

Simplifying the equation:
\[60 = 8W + 2W\]
\[60 = 10W\]

Dividing both sides by 10 to solve for \(W\):
\[W = \frac{60}{10}\]
\[W = 6\]

Therefore, the width of the garden is 6 feet.

Width of the garden: \(W = 6\) feet.<|im_end|>






offered her a spare swimsuit.<|im_end|>


Ben revealed a toy pawn he had brought for emergencies, like this one.<|im_end|>


"Paul, look at this message—our cabin rental fell through."

Jane's phone, surprise.<|im_end|>


Mia suggested they check the storage building for the missing ball. Inside, they found a box of unused balls, which they took.<|im_end|>


B) Short and dark with a big mustache and big hands

The passage explicitly states that Jim Gilmore is "short and dark with big mustaches and big hands." This description aligns with option B, making it the correct answer.<|im_end|>


The first statement tells us that "All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year." This means if you are an employee of Duluth Paper, you did receive a bonus.

The second statement says, "Andrés did not receive a bonus this year." This directly contradicts the first statement if Andrés is an employee of Duluth Paper because, according to the first statement, if he were an employee, he would have received a bonus.

Therefore, if both statements are true, Andrés cannot be an employee of Duluth Paper this year. 

So, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.

Therefore, the final letter corresponding to the correct answer is C.<|im_end|>


D) closeness with which one person studies another

The author's repetitive use of "She liked it" serves to emphasize the closeness with which one person studies another. This repetition highlights Liz Coates' detailed observations and affection for Jim Gilmore, showcasing her keen interest in his physical attributes and the reasons behind her liking for him. The phrase is used to detail the various aspects of Jim that Liz finds appealing, indicating her close observation and affection.<|im_end|>


Let's break down the information given step by step:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

From statement 3, we know the family member in Egypt has the family tree. This immediately rules out Egypt for the other family members.

From statement 4, the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico. This means the mother is in one of the following countries: Britain, Canada, Denmark, or Britain. Since the mother can't be in Britain (because the person in Britain has the broken sword, and the sword can't be with the mother since she has the silver watch), the mother is either in Canada, Denmark, or Egypt. But we know the mother is not in Mexico, so she is either in Canada or Denmark.

From statement 2, the son is not in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch. Since the mother has the silver watch, and she is either in Canada or Denmark (not Egypt), the son cannot be in the mother's location. Additionally, the son can't be in Britain (because the person in Britain has the broken sword), Egypt (because the family member in Egypt has the family tree), and since the son is not in Denmark, he must be in Canada or Mexico. But we've established the mother is either in Canada or Denmark, so the son cannot be in Canada. Therefore, the son is in Mexico.

From statement 5, the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the son is in Mexico, the grandmother cannot be in the same country as the son, which means she cannot be in Canada. Therefore, the grandmother is in Denmark.

Now, we know:
- The grandmother (Gold Doubloon) is in Denmark.
- The son (no special item) is in Mexico.
- The mother (Silver Watch) is in Canada (since she can't be in Britain, Egypt, or Mexico).
- The daughter (Oceanic Map) can't be in Denmark (because the grandmother is there), Egypt (because the family member in Egypt has the family tree), Mexico (because the son is there), or Canada (because the mother is there).

Therefore, the daughter, who has the oceanic map, must be in Britain, where the broken sword is.

Answer: The daughter is in Britain.<|im_end|>






D) the arrangement of her hair

The passage states, "Jim noticed that her hair was always neat behind." This detail shows that Jim has noticed Liz Coates. The other options are not supported by the text. There is no mention of Jim thinking of her frequently (A), nor is there any indication that he has a fondness for her cooking (B). Additionally, there is no reference to the whiteness of her teeth (C).<|im_end|>


B) Juxtapose two peoples' sentiments

The passage describes Liz Coates' feelings for Jim Gilmore and Jim's appearance and occupation, respectively. Paragraph 2 focuses on Jim, highlighting his unremarkable appearance despite being a skilled blacksmith. It also mentions his living arrangements and the fact that he is well-liked by A. J. Smith and Mrs. Smith. In contrast, paragraph 3 shifts the focus to Liz Coates, detailing her observations of Jim and her growing affection for him. Her observations and feelings are juxtaposed with Jim's character and reputation in the previous paragraph, creating a contrast in their respective sentiments.<|im_end|>


To solve this, let's break down the given statement: "All of Lisa's sisters can bake." This means that if someone is a sister of Lisa, then they must be able to bake.

Now, let's examine each option:

(A) "If Jane cannot bake, then she is not Lisa's sister." If Jane cannot bake, and all of Lisa's sisters can bake, then by the given statement, Jane cannot be Lisa's sister. This option aligns with the given statement.

(B) "If Sarah can bake, then she is not Lisa's sister." This statement contradicts the given information because if Sarah can bake, and all of Lisa's sisters can bake, then it's possible that Sarah is Lisa's sister. This option does not follow from the given statement.

(C) "If Mary can bake, then she is Lisa's sister." This statement is not necessarily true. Just because Mary can bake, it does not automatically mean she is Lisa's sister. The given statement only tells us that if someone is Lisa's sister, then they can bake. It does not imply that all bakers are Lisa's sisters.

(D) "If Emma is not Lisa's sister, then she cannot bake." This statement contradicts the given information. If Emma is not Lisa's sister, then the ability to bake is not predicated on being Lisa's sister. There could be other reasons (or people) who can bake without being Lisa's sister. This option does not follow from the given statement.

(E) "None of these." Since option (A) is consistent with the given statement, this option is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

(A) If Jane cannot bake, then she is not Lisa's sister. 

New line 


First, let's break down the given statements:

1. "All members of the chess team are also members of the robotics club." This means that if someone is on the chess team, they must be in the robotics club.
2. "No members of the basketball team are members of the chess team." This means that there is no overlap between the basketball team and the chess team; someone cannot be on both.

Given these statements, we can infer that anyone on the chess team is also in the robotics club, but cannot be on the basketball team. Conversely, anyone on the basketball team cannot be on the chess team or in the robotics club.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

(A) "If Izak is in the robotics club, then he is not on the basketball team." This statement is true because being in the robotics club means Izak is on the chess team (as per the first given statement), which in turn means he cannot be on the basketball team (as per the second given statement).

(B) "If Jerry is in the robotics club, then he is on the chess team." This statement is true based on the first given statement.

(C) "If Lisa is on the basketball team, then she is not in the robotics club." This statement is not necessarily true. While it's true that Lisa cannot be on the chess team or in the robotics club if she is on the basketball team, the statement in itself is incorrect because it incorrectly suggests that Lisa cannot be in the robotics club at all, which is not what the given statements imply. The correct inference would be that Lisa is not in the robotics club if she is specifically mentioned to be on the basketball team only, not considering potential membership in the chess team indirectly through the robotics club.

(D) "If Sanjit is on the chess team, then he is on the basketball team." This statement is not true because, as per the second given statement, no members of the basketball team are members of the chess team.

(E) "If Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, then he is not on the chess team." This statement is true because if Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, he cannot be on the chess team, which means he is not on the chess team.

Given the analysis above, the correct answer is:



Let's analyze the information given step by step:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son does not have the gold doubloon or the silver watch and is not in Denmark.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Given that the grandmother is in Denmark:

- From statement 5, we know the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is in Denmark.
- From statement 4, the mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico. Since the grandmother is in Denmark, and the grandmother cannot be the mother (as they are different family members), the mother cannot be in Denmark either.

Therefore, if the grandmother is in Denmark, the mother must be in one of the other three locations: Britain, Canada, or Egypt, but not Denmark or Mexico.

So, the mother is in **Canada**.



▲, ◆, ★<|im_end|>






Let's analyze the information given and set up an equation to solve for n, the number of verses each student is supposed to write without considering their class rank.

According to the problem, each student writes:
- n verses (a fixed number of verses)
- twice as many verses as their class rank.

The 7th student, for instance, writes n verses plus twice the number of their rank, which is 7. Therefore, the total number of verses the 7th student writes can be represented as:
n + 2 * 7 = 20 verses.

Now, let's solve for n:
n + 14 = 20.

Subtract 14 from both sides to isolate n:
n = 20 - 14,
n = 6.

Therefore, the value of n, the number of verses each student is supposed to write without considering their class rank, is 6.

The answer is 6.<|im_end|>


To find the value of 4 ◘ 3, we need to apply the given operation ◘ to the real numbers 4 and 3 according to the definition provided: x ◘ y = 2x - 3y + 1.

Step 1: Identify the values of x and y.
In this case, x = 4 and y = 3.

Step 2: Apply the operation ◘ using the values of x and y.
Using the definition x ◘ y = 2x - 3y + 1, we substitute x = 4 and y = 3 into the equation:

4 ◘ 3 = 2(4) - 3(3) + 1

Step 3: Perform the operations within the equation.
2(4) = 8 (multiplication)
3(3) = 9 (multiplication)

Now the equation looks like this:

4 ◘ 3 = 8 - 9 + 1

Step 4: Complete the operations to find the final value.
8 - 9 = -1 (subtraction)
-1 + 1 = 0 (addition)

Therefore, the value of 4 ◘ 3 is 0.

The answer is: 0<|im_end|>


To determine how long it will take John to reach the park, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Given that the distance to the park is 60 miles and John plans to drive at a steady speed of 30 mph, we can plug these values into the formula:

Time = 60 miles / 30 mph

Now, we perform the calculation:

Time = 2 hours

Therefore, it will take John 2 hours to reach the park.

It will take John 2 hours to reach the park.<|im_end|>


★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
▲. If the check is unsuccessful, print "Unauthorized – try again" and do not complete any more steps
★. User inputs 'Current Password' and 'New Password'
●. Retrieve the password and check that it matches the 'Current Password' input by the user
★. Store the "New Password" as the password and notify the user "Password successfully set"; do not complete any more steps<|im_end|>


To find the number of integers greater than 99 and less than 200 with exactly one duplicate digit, we will analyze the possible structures of such numbers and count them.

Given the conditions, we know that the number must be a three-digit integer of the form ABX, where A and B are the same digit, and X is different from A and B. The number must also be less than 200, so the hundreds digit (A) can only be 1. Therefore, the structure of the number is 1XX.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. **Hundreds place (A):** The hundreds digit is 1, which is fixed.

2. **Tens place (B):** Since B must be the same as A, B is also 1. The number so far is 11X.

3. **Ones place (X):** X can be any digit from 0 to 9, except for 1 (since it cannot be the same as A and B). This gives us 9 possible choices for X (0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

Therefore, for each choice of X, we have a valid number where there is exactly one duplicate digit (which is in the hundreds and tens places).

Since there are 9 choices for X, there are 9 integers greater than 99 and less than 200 with exactly one duplicate digit.

New line for separation from the text:

Answer: 9<|im_end|>