GPT-4 Turbo 0409

Score051015202527Size (bn params, log scale)0.5110101001000GPT-4 Turbo 0409




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Strict Correct



(C) convenient




offered to lend Sofie one of her many swimsuits.


He placed it on the board, saying, "Let's use this as the missing pawn."


"Shoot, my phone's completely dead."


She suggested checking the roof of the storage building for any lost balls.






A) It is very old


The passage directly describes Jim Gilmore as "short and dark with big mustaches and big hands." It also mentions that he is a good horseshoer and doesn't quite look like a typical blacksmith, even when wearing his leather apron. The other options do not match the description provided in the text. Thus, the best choice that describes Jim Gilmore's appearance based on the passage is:

B) Short and dark with a big mustache and big hands


Given the statements:
1. All employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus this year.
2. Andrés did not receive a bonus this year.

If all employees of Duluth Paper received a bonus and Andrés did not receive a bonus, it must be the case that Andrés is not an employee of Duluth Paper. This is because, if he were an employee, he would have received a bonus, contradicting the second statement.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) Andrés was not an employee of Duluth Paper this year.


Let the width of the rectangular garden be represented as \( w \) feet. Given that the length is four times the width, the length can be expressed as \( 4w \) feet.

The formula for the perimeter \( P \) of a rectangle is given by:
P = 2(\text{length} + \text{width})

Plugging in the expressions for the length and the width:
60 = 2(4w + w)
60 = 2(5w)
60 = 10w

To find \( w \), divide both sides of the equation by 10:
w = \frac{60}{10} = 6

Thus, the width of the garden is \( \boxed{6} \) feet.


The passage mentions that Jim noticed that Liz's hair was always neat behind. This detail indicates that Jim has indeed observed Liz, specifically the way she maintains her hair. This observation shows that Jim has paid attention to Liz's appearance, which answers the question about what detail shows that Jim has noticed her.

D) the arrangement of her hair


The author's repetitive use of "She liked it" emphasizes how Liz is keenly observant and focused on various details about Jim, indicating a deep and specific interest in him. This repetition highlights her detailed and concentrated attention on Jim's characteristics and behaviors. It isn't merely about a friendship blossoming or just a friendly disposition; rather, it illustrates a closer, more intimate form of observation, almost like studying him closely.



The statement "All of Lisa's sisters can bake" implies that the ability to bake is a characteristic shared by all of Lisa's sisters. It does not necessarily imply that only Lisa's sisters can bake or that everyone who can bake is Lisa's sister. Let's analyze each option based on this:

(A) If Jane cannot bake, then she is not Lisa's sister.
- This is true. If it is known that all of Lisa's sisters can bake, and Jane cannot bake, then Jane cannot be one of Lisa's sisters.

(B) If Sarah can bake, then she is not Lisa's sister.
- This is false. The fact that Sarah can bake does not exclude her from being Lisa's sister. Sarah could still potentially be one of Lisa's sisters.

(C) If Mary can bake, then she is Lisa's sister.
- This is false. Just because Mary can bake doesn't mean she has to be Lisa's sister. Baking could be a skill Mary has independently of her relationship to Lisa.

(D) If Emma is not Lisa's sister, then she cannot bake.
- This is false. Emma not being Lisa's sister does not prevent her from being able to bake; non-sisters can also bake.

(E) None of these.
- This is false because option (A) is a correct implication of the original statement.

Correct answer:


From the given statements:
1. All members of the chess team are also members of the robotics club.
2. No members of the basketball team are members of the chess team.

Let's analyze each option:

(A) If Izak is in the robotics club, then he is not on the basketball team.
- This cannot be concluded definitively because being in the robotics club does not preclude being on the basketball team unless he is also on the chess team.

(B) If Jerry is in the robotics club, then he is on the chess team.
- This is not necessarily true because the robotics club could include members who are not on the chess team.

(C) If Lisa is on the basketball team, then she is not in the robotics club.
- This must be true because if she were in the robotics club, she might also be on the chess team, which contradicts the statement that no basketball team members are in the chess team.

(D) If Sanjit is on the chess team, then he is on the basketball team.
- This is false because no chess team member can be on the basketball team.

(E) If Seong-Jin is not in the robotics club, then he is not on the chess team.
- This must be true because all chess team members are in the robotics club; hence, not being in the robotics club means Seong-Jin cannot be on the chess team.

Thus, the statements that must also be true, based on the given information, are:

C and E. However, as the question asks for a singular answer:


The paragraphs mentioned focus on Liz's feelings and perceptions towards Jim, detailing her admiration and attraction to various aspects of his appearance and behavior. There's a clear emphasis on how she observes him, from his physical features to his habits, and how these observations affect her emotionally. Jim's perspective or feelings about Liz are not detailed in these paragraphs; therefore, the text does not juxtapose two peoples' sentiments or contrast their appearances directly.

Instead, the text explores Liz's growing attraction and how she notices details about Jim that others might not, emphasizing her emotional response to these observations. There is no direct comparison or contrast of their lives or occupations beyond the context in which they interact.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
B) Juxtapose two peoples' sentiments


Let's analyze the given statements:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

We know from statement 5 that if the grandmother is in Denmark, she has the gold doubloon. Thus, the following are the assignments for Grandmother: 
- Location: Denmark
- Heirloom: Gold Doubloon

Since the grandmother is in Denmark, she can't be in Canada. This leaves us with the following locations left for assignment: Mexico, Britain, Canada, and Egypt.

From statement 1, the person in Britain has the broken sword. This means:
- Location: Britain
- Heirloom: Broken Sword

From statement 3, the family member in Egypt has the family tree:
- Location: Egypt
- Heirloom: Family Tree

From statement 4, the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico:
- Heirloom: Silver Watch

Given that the mother isn't in Mexico and the grandmother is in Denmark, Egypt has the family tree, and Britain has the broken sword, the only location left for the mother who has the silver watch is Canada.

Therefore, the mother is in Canada.

- Location: Canada
- Heirloom: Silver Watch


To find the value of \( n \), we start by analyzing the information given:

1. Each student writes \( n \) verses.
2. Each student also writes an additional \( 2 \times \) their class rank number of verses.

For the 7th student:
- The class rank is 7.
- The total number of verses written by the 7th student is 20.

The formula for the total number of verses written by the 7th student can be expressed as:
\[ n + 2 \times \text{(class rank)} = \text{total verses} \]
Substituting the known values:
\[ n + 2 \times 7 = 20 \]
\[ n + 14 = 20 \]
\[ n = 20 - 14 \]
\[ n = 6 \]

Thus, the value of \( n \) is 6.


To find the value of 4 ◘ 3, we need to substitute x = 4 and y = 3 into the defined operation x ◘ y = 2x - 3y + 1. 

Performing the calculation:
4 ◘ 3 = 2(4) - 3(3) + 1
       = 8 - 9 + 1
       = 0

Therefore, 4 ◘ 3 = 0.


To determine how long it will take John to travel 60 miles at a speed of 30 miles per hour (mph), we can use the formula for time, which is:

\[ \text{Time} = \frac{\text{Distance}}{\text{Speed}} \]

Here, the distance \(D\) is 60 miles and the speed \(S\) is 30 mph. Plugging in these values:

\[ \text{Time} = \frac{60 \text{ miles}}{30 \text{ mph}} \]

\[ \text{Time} = 2 \text{ hours} \]

Thus, it will take John 2 hours to reach the park.

**Answer: 2 hours**


Here's how we solve the puzzle step-by-step:

1. From statement 4, the Mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico.
2. From statement 1, the person in Britain has the broken sword.
3. From statement 3, the person in Egypt has the family tree.
4. From statement 5, the Grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.
5. From statement 2, the Son neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch, and he is not in Denmark. 
6. Since the Grandmother is in either Denmark or Canada, and the Son is not in Denmark, he could be in Mexico, Britain, or Canada.

   - If the Grandmother is in Denmark, Canada is available for another family member. 
   - If the Grandmother is in Canada, Denmark is available.

7. The only family member whose location and heirloom we haven't assigned yet is the Daughter. She has the oceanic map. The available countries now, considering all other assignments and exclusions (Mother not in Mexico, Son not in Denmark, Mother with the silver watch not being in Mexico) are Denmark or Canada.

   - Since the Grandmother must be in either Denmark or Canada, and we know the Son isn't in Denmark, if the Grandmother is in Denmark, the Son must be in Canada or Britain. If the Son is in Britain, he would have the broken sword, which is not possible as he does not have the gold doubloon or the silver watch.

   - The Grandmother is in Canada with the gold doubloon.
   - The Son must be in Britain with the broken sword (since the Daughter cannot be in Britain as the person in Britain has the broken sword).
   - The Mother is in Mexico with the silver watch.
   - The person in Egypt with the family tree must then be the Father.
   - This leaves Denmark as the only location left for the Daughter with the oceanic map.

Therefore, the Daughter is located in Denmark.



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To find the number of integers between 100 and 199 that have exactly one duplicate digit, we should consider the structure of such numbers. These numbers are all of the form 1XY, where X and Y are the tens and ones digits, respectively.

Since the hundreds digit is always 1 and is not duplicated, we need to find combinations where either the tens digit or the ones digit is the same as each other, but not both. This means either X is equal to Y, but different from 1, or X is different from Y.

Given this, we can consider two cases:
1. The tens digit duplicates the ones digit, i.e., X = Y, and X ≠ 1.
2. The tens digit is different from the ones digit, and neither is 1.

**Case 1: X = Y and X ≠ 1**
- The digits X and Y can be any of 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (except 1). 
- There are 9 possible values for X (or Y) here (0 through 9 excluding 1).

**Case 2: X ≠ Y, and neither is 1**
- Since X and Y must be different and cannot be 1, each digit (X or Y) can be 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
- However, since we need to count only the cases where there's one duplicate (and we already considered the cases where X = Y above), we exclude this case entirely as it doesn't contribute to numbers with exactly one duplicate digit.

Thus, from our analysis, only Case 1 contributes to the count, and there are 9 numbers that meet the criteria (110, 122, 133, 144, 155, 166, 177, 188, 199).

**Answer: 9**