Question RCS3

Question text:

You are a conscientious and detail-oriented reading assistant who answers questions using an informative passage. Consider the following passage and answer the question that follows. There is a famous university in England named Oxford University. It is one of the oldest universities in the world. It started in the 12th century, though the exact year is not known. Many talented people have studied there, including several well-known authors and world leaders. Today, it encourages students to aim high and achieve their potential in a rich academic setting. According to the passage, which of the following facts about Oxford University most contributes to making it unique? A) It is very old B) It is one of the only universities in England C) It helps students achieve their potential and become successful D) It has educated more authors and world leaders than any other university Do not explain your reasoning; respond only with the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

Strict success criteria:


Success criteria:

Gives the correct answer A but may contain context, explanation, or chat content ("Sure, here you go" etc)



Strict Correct


Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3

 A) It is very old

Llama 3 8B Instruct

A) It is very old

Nous Hermes 2 Yi 34b

A) It is very old<|im_end|>

Mixtral 8x7b v0.1 instruct

A) It is very old
B) It is one of the only universities in England
C) It helps students achieve their potential and become successful
D) It has educated more authors and world leaders than any other university

Kunoichi DPO v2 7B

 A) It is very old</s>

Gemini Pro 1.0


TinyLlama v1.0 chat 1.1b

B) It is very old

Llama 3.1 8B Instruct


CodeLlama 13b Instruct


Vicuna 33b Chat

 D) It has educated more authors and world leaders than any other university

Zephyr 7B

B) It is one of the oldest universities in England.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet


StableLM Zephyr 3B


Mistral Nemo Instruct 2407


Mixtral 11bx2 MoE 19b

A) It is very old (The passage mentions that it is one of the oldest universities in the world, contributing to its uniqueness.)</s>

Gemma 7b IT


The passage states that Oxford University has educated more authors and world leaders than any other university, making this fact the most significant contribution to its uniqueness.<eos>

Gemma 1.1 2B IT


GPT 4o mini


Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B

A) It is very old<|im_end|>

Gemma 2b IT

C) It helps students achieve their potential and become successful

The passage highlights that one of the factors that contributes to Oxford University's unique status is its history of nurturing talent and enabling students to achieve their potential.<eos>

Nous Hermes 2 SOLAR 10.7B


Neural Hermes 2.5 7B

A) It is very old<|im_end|>

Mixtral 34x2 MoE 60b

H2O Danube 1.8b Chat

B) It is one of the only universities in England</s>

H2O Danube 3 4b Chat


Claude 3 Haiku


Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct


Claude 3 Sonnet


Starling LM 7B Beta

 A) It is very old

The passage states that Oxford University is one of the oldest universities in the world, having been established in the 12th century. This fact contributes to making it unique, as it has a long and prestigious history that sets it apart from other institutions.<|end_of_turn|>

Gemma 2 9B IT




Claude 3 Opus


Gemma 2 27B IT


Command-R v01


StableLM 2 1.6B Chat

C) It helps students achieve their potential and become successful
Reasoning: The passage states that Oxford University encourages students to aim high and achieve their potential in a rich academic setting. This statement directly supports that it is the factor that makes Oxford University unique for helping students become successful.

Gemma 1.1 7b IT


Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2

 A. It is very old.

Explanation: The passage mentions that Oxford University is one of the oldest universities in the world, making this fact a significant contributor to the uniqueness of the university.

GPT-4 Turbo 0125-preview

A) It is very old

Llama 3 70B


GPT-3.5 Turbo 0125

A) It is very old

GPT-4 Turbo 0409

A) It is very old

Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct (2024-07-01)


Gemini 1.5 Pro


Hermes 2 Pro Llama 3

A) It is very old


A) It is very old

Gemini 1.5 Flash


SFR Iterated DPO Llama 3 8B R

A) It is very old

Hermes 2 Theta Llama 3 8B

A) It is very old

Yi 1.5 6B Chat


Yi 1.5 9B Chat


Yi 1.5 34B Chat

A) It is very old<|im_end|>

Llama 3 Refueled