Question LG4

Question text:

You assist humans in solving logic games. Consider the following statements and the question that follows. You may include your reasoning, but you must end your response with a new line and a simple representation of the correct answer. There are five family members - Grandmother, Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter. They are currently in different parts of the world - Mexico, Britain, Canada, Denmark, and Egypt. Each of them had a connection to a family heirloom: a gold doubloon, a broken sword, an oceanic map, a family tree, and a silver watch. The following information is known: 1. The person in Britain has the broken sword. 2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch 3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree 4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico 5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada If the daughter has the oceanic map, where is she located?

Strict success criteria:

Mexico on its own line as the last word of the response

Success criteria:

Gives the correct answer Mexico inside of a longer paragraph of reasoning.



Strict Correct


Vicuna 33b Chat

 1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada

If the daughter has the oceanic map, where is she located?

* Reasoning:
	1. Since the son doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch, he must have the broken sword since it's the only item left. Thus, the son is in Britain.
	2. The mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico, so she must be in Canada.
	3. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and can either be in Denmark or Canada. If she's in Denmark, then the father must be in Canada since there can only be one parent in each country according to the given information.

Now let's consider the possibilities for the daughter:

* If the grandmother is in Canada and the mother is also in Canada, then the daughter must be in Egypt since she has the oceanic map and no other items are left. In this case, the father would be in Denmark.
* If the grandmother is in Denmark and the mother is in Canada, then the daughter must be in Britain since she has the oceanic map and no other items are left. In this case, the father would also be in Britain.

Since we don't know the location of the father, we can't determine the exact location of the daughter with certainty. We can only say that if the daughter has the oceanic map, she is either in Egypt or Britain.

Nous Hermes 2 Yi 34b

The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
The person in Britain has the broken sword.
The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.
If the daughter has the oceanic map, she could be located in Mexico, as the mother doesn't have the silver watch there.
Therefore, the correct answer is: Mexico<|im_end|>

Mixtral 8x7b v0.1 instruct

The daughter is located in Mexico. 

Here's the reasoning:
1. From statement 2, we know that the son isn't in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch. Since the mother has the silver watch (statement 4) and the grandmother has the gold doubloon (statement 3), these two options are eliminated for the son. Therefore, the son must be in Egypt with the family tree.
2. This leaves only three possible locations for the remaining four people: Mexico, Britain, and Canada. Given that each person is in a different location, the grandmother cannot be in Egypt with the son, so she must be in either Denmark or Canada.
3. However, since the daughter has the oceanic map (given), she can't be in Egypt with the family tree or in Britain with the broken sword (statement 1). So, she must be in Mexico or Canada.
4. If the daughter were in Canada, then both remaining items (the broken sword and the silver watch) would have to go to Britain. But this contradicts statement 4 because the mother must have the silver watch.
5. Therefore, the only possibility left is that the daughter is in Mexico, which satisfies all conditions.

Zephyr 7B

The daughter is in Denmark.

1. We know that the person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. Since the son doesn't have either the gold doubloon or silver watch, and we cannot determine his location from this information, we need more information to identify his location.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree, so we can eliminate Mexico as an option for the daughter's location since she does not have the family tree.
4. We know that the mother is not in Mexico and does not have the silver watch, but this information doesn't help us determine her location.
5. The grandmother has either the gold doubloon or she doesn't, and both options are possible without any additional information to confirm or refute it. Since Denmark and Canada are both possible locations for the grandmother, we cannot eliminate either of them based on this information alone. However, if the daughter is in Denmark, then the grandmother would not be there since they cannot both be in the same location. Therefore, the grandmother would have to be in Canada. However, without additional information, we cannot say for certain which family member has the oceanic map.

Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

From statement 3, we know the family member in Egypt has the family tree. Since the daughter has the oceanic map, she cannot be in Egypt.

From statement 5, we know the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch (statement 2), the son must be in Mexico.

The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico (statement 4), so the mother must be in Britain. However, the person in Britain has the broken sword (statement 1), so the mother cannot be in Britain. This is a contradiction.

Let's re-evaluate our assumptions. If the son is in Mexico, the mother must be in Britain (statement 4). But this conflicts with statement 1. The only way to resolve this is if the son is not in Mexico, which contradicts statement 2.

However, we can try another approach. If the grandmother is in Denmark or Canada (statement 5), and the son is not in Denmark (statement 2), then the son must be in Mexico. But this still leads to a contradiction.

Let's analyze the statement 2 again. It says the son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch. This means the son must be in Mexico, and the grandmother must be in Denmark or Canada.

Now, let's think about the statement 3. It says the family member in Egypt has the family tree. Since the son is in Mexico, the family member in Egypt must be the grandmother.

We can now conclude that the grandmother is in Egypt and has the family tree. The grandfather must be in Denmark or Canada, and the gold doubloon is with him.

Now, let's go back to the question. If the daughter has the oceanic map, where is she located?

Since the son is in Mexico, and the grandmother is in Egypt, the daughter must be in Britain or Canada.

From statement 1, we know the person in Britain has the broken sword. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico (statement 4). So, the mother must be in Britain. This means the daughter cannot be in Britain.

Therefore, the daughter must be in Canada.


Correct answer: Canada

TinyLlama v1.0 chat 1.1b

The daughter is located in Denmark.

CodeLlama 13b Instruct

Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3

 To solve this, let's first eliminate locations for the daughter based on the given information:

1. The son isn't in Denmark, so the daughter can't be in Denmark either (as it's the only other location where the son isn't).
2. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico, so the daughter can't be in Mexico either.
3. Now we know that the daughter can't be in Denmark, Mexico, or Egypt (because those are the locations of the family members with specific items, and the daughter doesn't have the oceanic map).
4. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and could be in Denmark or Canada. Since the daughter can't be in Denmark, the grandmother can't be there either because she has the gold doubloon, and we know the son doesn't have it. So, the grandmother must be in Canada.
5. The remaining locations for the daughter are Britain and Canada.
6. Since the son isn't in Denmark, the father also can't be in Denmark because the son and the father are different people. So, the father must be in Canada as well (to avoid having both the father and the grandmother in Denmark).
7. This leaves Britain as the only remaining location for the daughter.

The answer: The daughter is in Britain.

Kunoichi DPO v2 7B

 We can use the process of elimination to determine where the daughter is located.

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword, so it's not Britain for the daughter.
2. The son doesn't have the gold doubloon nor the silver watch and he's not in Denmark, so Denmark and the son's location are different.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree, so it's not Egypt for the daughter.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico, so it's not Mexico for the daughter.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and can be in Denmark or Canada.

Now we know that the daughter can't be in Britain, Egypt, or Mexico. The only two remaining options are Denmark (where the grandmother might be) and Canada (where the grandmother might be). But since the son isn't in Denmark, the daughter has to be in Canada.

So, the daughter is located in Canada.

Representation: Canada (Daughter)</s>

StableLM Zephyr 3B

To determine the daughter's location, let's go through the given information and make connections step by step:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
This means that either the Father or Mother (or someone else not mentioned yet) is in Britain.

2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
Since we know the son doesn't have the gold doubloon (given in statement 3), and we also know that the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico (given in statement 5), we can eliminate the possibility of the mother being responsible for the gold doubloon. So, we are left with either the Father or the Daughter not having the gold doubloon, and the other family member (Son or Father) having the silver watch.

3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
This means that the family member in Egypt must be either the Grandmother, Father, or Daughter. Since the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada (given in statement 4), we can eliminate the possibility of the family member in Egypt being the grandmother. So, we are left with either the Father, Daughter, or both having the family tree.

Now, let's focus on the daughter's location:

If the daughter has the oceanic map, we know she cannot be in Denmark, as the grandmother is in Denmark (given in statement 4). This leaves us with two possibilities: the daughter is either in Canada or Egypt. However, we are given that the daughter is in possession of the oceanic map, so her location must be Egypt.

Answer: The daughter is located in Egypt.<|endoftext|>

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Let's approach this step-by-step:

1. We know the person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son is not in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch.
3. The person in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is in either Denmark or Canada.

Now, let's deduce:
- The daughter has the oceanic map (given in the question).
- The grandmother is in either Denmark or Canada with the gold doubloon.
- The mother is not in Mexico and has the silver watch.
- Someone is in Egypt with the family tree.
- Someone is in Britain with the broken sword.

We can conclude:
- The son must have the broken sword and be in Britain (as he doesn't have the watch or doubloon).
- The person in Egypt with the family tree can't be the son, daughter, mother, or grandmother, so it must be the father.
- The mother, having the watch, must be in either Mexico, Canada, or Denmark.
- If the mother is in Canada or Denmark, the grandmother would have to be in the other of those two countries.
- This leaves Mexico as the only possible location for the daughter.

Therefore, the daughter, who has the oceanic map, must be in Mexico.


Mixtral 11bx2 MoE 19b

First, let's list the known locations and items:

1. Britain: Broken sword
2. Not Denmark: Son (no gold doubloon or silver watch)
3. Egypt: Family tree
4. Not Mexico: Mother with the silver watch
5. Denmark or Canada: Grandmother with the gold doubloon

We need to find the location of the daughter, who has the oceanic map. From statement 2, we know the son is not in Denmark. Since the grandmother has either the gold doubloon in Denmark or is in Canada (statement 5), and the mother is not in Mexico (statement 4), we are left with only two possible locations for the daughter: Denmark and Canada.

However, if the daughter is in Denmark, that would mean either the grandmother or the son is also there (as they both have items). Since the son is not in Denmark, the daughter must be in Canada.

Correct Answer: Canada</s>

Mistral Nemo Instruct 2407

Let's reason through this step-by-step:

1. From statement 1, we know the person in Britain has the broken sword. Since the mother has the silver watch (statement 4), she cannot be in Britain. Therefore, the person in Britain must be the father.

2. Since the father is in Britain (statement 1), the grandmother cannot be in Denmark (statement 5), so she must be in Canada. This means the son cannot be in Canada (statement 2), so he must be in Mexico.

3. Now we know the son is in Mexico, and the grandmother is in Canada. This leaves Denmark for the daughter.

4. We know the daughter has the oceanic map. Since the daughter is in Denmark, she must be the one with the oceanic map.

So, the daughter is located in Denmark.

Final answer: The daughter is in Denmark.

Gemma 7b IT


1. We know that the person in Britain has the broken sword, so it's not the daughter.
2. The son doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, so he must be in either Mexico or Canada.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree, so they must be in Egypt.
4. The mother has the silver watch, but she's not in Mexico, so she must be in either Denmark or Canada.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon, and she's either in Denmark or Canada.

Therefore, the only remaining family member is the daughter, and she must have the oceanic map, which is in Denmark.


The daughter has the oceanic map and is located in Denmark.<eos>

Gemma 2b IT

The daughter is located in Canada.

From statement 3, we know the family member in Egypt has the family tree. From statement 4, the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico. From statement 5, the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Therefore, the daughter must be in Canada.<eos>

Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B

The daughter must be in Canada.

1. We know the father doesn't have the silver watch and isn't in Denmark.
2. Since the son doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, he must be either in Mexico or Egypt.
3. The grandmother has the gold doubloon, so she can't be in Egypt, where the family tree is. Therefore, she is in Denmark.
4. The mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico. So, she must be in Britain.
5. The father is not in Denmark, so he must be in Canada, which leaves the daughter as the only family member who can be in Egypt, where the family tree is.
6. Since the daughter has the oceanic map and is in Egypt, she is not in Canada.

Thus, the daughter is in Canada with the oceanic map.<|im_end|>

Neural Hermes 2.5 7B

To find the location of the daughter, we can use the process of elimination.

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

From the information given, we know the following:
- Mexico: Not the mother (has silver watch) and not the grandmother (has gold doubloon)
- Britain: Father (broken sword)
- Canada: Either the father (broken sword) or the grandmother (gold doubloon)
- Denmark: Either the grandmother (gold doubloon) or the son (silver watch)
- Egypt: The mother (family tree)

Now, let's consider the son's location:
- If the son is in Denmark, he doesn't have the silver watch (given in statement 2).
- If the son is in Canada, he could have the silver watch or the gold doubloon.

Since the daughter doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, she can't be in Denmark either. So, the only remaining option is Canada.

Hence, the daughter is in Canada.<|im_end|>

GPT 4o mini

Let's analyze the statements step by step to identify where each family member is located and what they possess:

1. **The person in Britain has the broken sword.**  
   - So, we know that Britain = broken sword.

2. **The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.**  
   - This means the son does not have the gold doubloon or silver watch, and is not in Denmark.

3. **The family member in Egypt has the family tree.**  
   - So, Egypt = family tree.

4. **The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.**  
   - Therefore, Mother = silver watch and is not in Mexico.

5. **The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.**  
   - This means Grandmother = gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Now, let's summarize what we know so far:

- **Britain** = broken sword (from statement 1)
- **Egypt** = family tree (from statement 3)
- **Mother** = silver watch and not in Mexico (from statement 4)
- The **son** does not have the gold doubloon or silver watch, and is not in Denmark (from statement 2).
- The **grandmother** has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada (from statement 5).

From these statements, we can infer:

- Since the son cannot be in Denmark and the grandmother could be in Denmark or Canada, the grandmother must be in Canada. Therefore, the grandmother is in Canada with the gold doubloon.
- The mother cannot be in Mexico and must have the silver watch, so she must be in either Britain, Denmark, or Egypt. However, Britain has the broken sword and Egypt has the family tree. Therefore, the mother must be in Denmark.
- This means the son must be in Mexico as he cannot be in Denmark or Canada, and he cannot have the gold doubloon or silver watch. Thus, the son must have the oceanic map.
- Finally, since the daughter is the only family member left, she must be in Egypt with the family tree.

Now we know:
- Grandmother: Canada, gold doubloon
- Father: Britain, broken sword
- Mother: Denmark, silver watch
- Son: Mexico, oceanic map
- Daughter: Egypt, family tree

Since you asked where the daughter is located, she is in Egypt.


Nous Hermes 2 SOLAR 10.7B

Let's analyze the given information step by step:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
   - Son is not in Denmark, so he must be in Mexico, Canada, Britain, or Egypt.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
   - This means that the grandmother, mother, father, and son cannot be in Egypt.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
   - Mother is not in Mexico, so she must be in Britain, Canada, or Denmark.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.
   - Grandmother is not in Mexico, so she must be in Britain, Canada, or Denmark.

Now, let's see where the daughter can be if she has the oceanic map:

- She cannot be in Mexico because the son is not there.
- She cannot be in Britain because the mother is there.
- She cannot be in Egypt because the family tree is there.
- She cannot be in Canada because the grandmother is there.

So, the only remaining option is Denmark.

Daughter is located in Denmark.<|im_end|>

H2O Danube 1.8b Chat

The daughter is located in Denmark. The statement "The daughter has the oceanic map" implies that she is in Denmark, where she has the family tree. The other family members (Grandmother, Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter) are in different parts of the world, and the daughter is not mentioned to have any connection to the family heirlooms.</s>

Mixtral 34x2 MoE 60b

The daughter is located in Mexico.

Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct

The daughter has the oceanic map.


H2O Danube 3 4b Chat


Llama 3 8B Instruct

Let's break down the information step by step!

From statement 2, we know the son is not in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch. Since the grandmother has the gold doubloon (statement 5), the son cannot be the one in Denmark or Canada.

From statement 4, we know the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico. Since the grandmother has the gold doubloon, the mother cannot be in Mexico either.

From statement 3, we know the family member in Egypt has the family tree. This can only be the grandmother, as she is the only one who has a connection to the gold doubloon.

Since the grandmother is either in Denmark or Canada, and is not in Mexico, she must be in either Denmark or Canada. Let's assume she is in Canada (we'll come back to this later).

From statement 1, we know the person in Britain has the broken sword. This can only be the father or mother.

Since the mother has the silver watch (statement 4), the father must be the one with the broken sword in Britain.

Now, let's look at the daughter. If she has the oceanic map, she must be in the country where the ocean is present (Mexico, Canada, or Denmark). We know the grandmother is not in Mexico, and the son is not in Denmark, so the daughter must be in either Canada or Mexico.

Since the grandmother is in either Denmark or Canada, and we assumed she is in Canada, the daughter must be in Mexico.


The daughter is in Mexico.

Starling LM 7B Beta

 Let's analyze the given information step by step and deduce the location of the daughter, who has the oceanic map.

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

From statement 2, we know that the son is not in Denmark, and from statement 4, we know that the mother isn't in Mexico. Since the father is not mentioned in any of the statements, we can assume that he is in Mexico with the gold doubloon (to avoid repetition of items).

Now, let's consider statement 5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the father is in Mexico, the grandmother must be in either Denmark or Canada. But from statement 1, we know that the person in Britain has the broken sword, and from statement 3, we know that the family member in Egypt has the family tree. Therefore, the only remaining location for the grandmother is Canada, as Denmark is already occupied by the person with the broken sword.

So, the grandmother is in Canada with the gold doubloon. This leaves Mexico as the only remaining location for the daughter, who has the oceanic map (since the father has the gold doubloon and the son doesn't have the silver watch).

Therefore, the daughter is located in Mexico with the oceanic map.

Simple representation:
- Britain: Broken Sword
- Canada: Grandmother (Gold Doubloon)
- Denmark: Person (Broken Sword)
- Egypt: Family Member (Family Tree)
- Mexico: Daughter (Oceanic Map)<|end_of_turn|>

Claude 3 Haiku

Based on the given information, we can deduce the following:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch. This means the son is either in Mexico, Canada, or Egypt.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico. This means the mother is either in Britain, Canada, Denmark, or Egypt.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Since the daughter has the oceanic map, and the locations of the other family members have been established, the daughter must be located in the remaining country, which is either Mexico or Denmark.

Therefore, the daughter is located in Mexico.


Gemma 2 9B IT

Here's the breakdown:

* **We know:**
    * Britain: Broken sword
    * Egypt: Family tree
    * Son: Not in Denmark, doesn't have gold doubloon or silver watch
    * Mother: Silver watch, not in Mexico
    * Grandmother: Gold doubloon, in Denmark or Canada
    * Daughter: Oceanic map

* **Deductions:**
    * Since the mother isn't in Mexico, and the grandmother is either in Denmark or Canada, the mother must be in either Britain, Egypt, or  Canada.  
    * We know the son isn't in Denmark, leaving Canada as a possibility for both the grandmother and the mother. 

* **Conclusion:**
    *  The daughter must be in **Canada**. 


Claude 3 Sonnet

To solve this problem, we need to use the given information to assign the family members, locations, and heirlooms to each other.

- Family members: Grandmother, Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter
- Locations: Mexico, Britain, Canada, Denmark, and Egypt
- Heirlooms: Gold doubloon, broken sword, oceanic map, family tree, and silver watch

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son is not in Denmark, and he does not have the gold doubloon or the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Let's start by assigning the known information:
- Britain: Broken sword
- Egypt: Family tree
- Mother: Silver watch (not in Mexico)
- Grandmother: Gold doubloon (in Denmark or Canada)

From statement 2, we know that the son is not in Denmark and does not have the gold doubloon or the silver watch. Therefore, he must be in either Mexico or Canada, and he has the oceanic map.

If the daughter has the oceanic map, then the son must have a different heirloom. The only remaining heirloom is the family tree, which is already assigned to the family member in Egypt.

Therefore, the daughter cannot have the oceanic map.

If the daughter does not have the oceanic map, then the son must have it. Since the son is not in Denmark (statement 2), he must be in either Mexico or Canada.

If the son is in Mexico, then the grandmother must be in Canada (statement 5). If the son is in Canada, then the grandmother must be in Denmark (statement 5).

Since the mother is not in Mexico (statement 4), and the other locations are already assigned, the only remaining location for the father is Mexico.

Therefore, the solution is:
- Daughter: (Unknown location)
- Son: Either Mexico or Canada, with the oceanic map
- Mother: (Unknown location other than Mexico), with the silver watch
- Father: Mexico
- Grandmother: Either Denmark or Canada (opposite of the son's location), with the gold doubloon

The daughter's location cannot be determined based on the given information.

Answer: (Unknown location)

Claude 3 Opus

Let's solve this step by step:

1. From statement 1, we know that the person in Britain has the broken sword.

2. From statement 2, we can deduce that the son doesn't have the gold doubloon, the silver watch, and is not in Denmark.

3. Statement 3 tells us that the family member in Egypt has the family tree.

4. According to statement 4, the mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico.

5. Statement 5 reveals that the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Now, let's assign the items and locations:

- The daughter has the oceanic map (given in the question).
- The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada (statement 5).
- The mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico (statement 4).
- The person in Britain has the broken sword (statement 1).
- The family member in Egypt has the family tree (statement 3).

Since the grandmother is either in Denmark or Canada, and the son is not in Denmark (statement 2), the grandmother must be in Canada, and the son must be in Denmark.

The only remaining location is Mexico, and since the daughter has the oceanic map, she must be in Mexico.


Gemini Pro 1.0

The daughter has the oceanic map and is in **Egypt**.

GPT-3.5 Turbo 0125

The daughter is located in Canada.

- According to statement 1, the person in Britain has the broken sword. So, the person in Britain is the father.
- According to statement 3, the family member in Egypt has the family tree. So, the person in Egypt is the grandmother.
- According to statement 5, the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the father is in Britain, the grandmother must be in Canada.
- According to statement 4, the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico. So, the mother must be in Denmark.
- According to statement 2, the son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch. Since the mother is in Denmark, the son must be in Mexico.
- Therefore, the daughter must be in Canada with the oceanic map.


Gemma 2 27B IT

Here's how we can deduce the daughter's location:

* **Start with the knowns:**
    * Britain - Broken Sword
    * Egypt - Family Tree
    * Mother - Silver Watch (not in Mexico)
    * Grandmother - Gold Doubloon (Denmark or Canada)
    * Son - Not in Denmark, doesn't have Gold Doubloon or Silver Watch

* **Combine clues:**
    * Since the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico, the mother must be in either Britain, Canada, or Denmark.
    * The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is in either Denmark or Canada.

* **Deduce possibilities:**
    *  If the grandmother is in Denmark, the mother must be in either Canada or Britain.
    * If the grandmother is in Canada, the mother must be in either Denmark or Britain.

* **Consider the son:** The son cannot be in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch. This leaves Mexico as a possibility for the son. 

* **Final deduction:** Since the daughter has the oceanic map, and all other locations are accounted for, the daughter must be in the remaining location: **Egypt**.


StableLM 2 1.6B Chat

The daughter has the oceanic map, which means she must be in an oceanic location. Since she is not in Denmark, she must be in a country that is not mentioned in the original information - either Canada or Egypt. However, the family member in Egypt has the family tree, which implies they know the location of the other four family members. Therefore, the daughter is most likely in Canada.

Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2

 Based on the given information, the daughter cannot be in Mexico because the mother has the silver watch and is not in Mexico. The son is not in Denmark or in possession of the gold doubloon or the silver watch, so the daughter cannot be in Denmark either. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada, so the daughter cannot have the gold doubloon. Therefore, the daughter must have the oceanic map in Canada.

Answer: The daughter is in Canada.

Gemma 1.1 7b IT


1. From statement 2, the son cannot have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, so he must have the broken sword. Since he's not in Denmark, he must be in Britain.
2. From statement 4, the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico, so she must be in Canada.
3. From statement 5, the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the son already has the broken sword, the grandmother must be in Denmark.
4. With the doubloon and sword already claimed, the oceanic map must be with the daughter.

**Answer:** Daughter is in Denmark.

Gemma 1.1 2B IT


From statement 4, we know the mother isn't in Mexico. Therefore, she must be in Denmark or Canada. Additionally, since the daughter has the oceanic map, and only one family member has it, she must be in the location mentioned by the map.


The daughter is located in Denmark.

GPT-4 Turbo 0125-preview

To solve this, we can start by using the given clues to distribute the items and locations among the family members.

1. **Britain has the broken sword.** This is a direct allocation of an item to a location.

2. **The son doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch and is not in Denmark.** This eliminates some possibilities for the son.

3. **Egypt has the family tree.** This directly assigns an item to a location.

4. **The mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico.** This assigns an item to the mother and eliminates Mexico as her location.

5. **The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.** This assigns an item to the grandmother and limits her location to two possibilities.

Given that the daughter has the oceanic map, we now distribute the remaining items and locations. 

- Since the son can't be in Denmark (from clue 2), and the grandmother is either in Denmark or Canada (from clue 5), if we consider the grandmother being in Canada, this would force the son to be in Denmark, which contradicts clue 2. Therefore, the grandmother must be in Denmark, and Canada is available for another family member.
- The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico (from clue 4), and since Egypt and Britain are accounted for (with the family tree and broken sword, respectively), and Denmark is taken by the grandmother, the mother must be in Canada (by elimination).
- This means Mexico is left, which hasn't been assigned yet, and since the daughter has the oceanic map and all other family members have their locations identified, the daughter must be in Mexico.

**Answer: Mexico.**

Llama 3 70B

Let's break down the information step by step:

From statement 1, we know the person in Britain has the broken sword.

From statement 2, we know the son is not in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch. This means the son must be in one of the remaining countries: Mexico, Canada, or Egypt.

From statement 3, we know the family member in Egypt has the family tree. Since the son can't be in Egypt (because he's not in Denmark), it must be someone else in Egypt.

From statement 4, we know the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico. This means the mother is in one of the remaining countries: Britain, Canada, or Denmark.

From statement 5, we know the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Now, let's consider the daughter having the oceanic map. Since the son can't be in Denmark (from statement 2), the grandmother must be in Canada (from statement 5). This means the mother is in Britain (because she can't be in Mexico) and has the silver watch.

The only country left for the daughter is Mexico, which means:

The daughter with the oceanic map is located in **Mexico**.

GPT-4 Turbo 0409

Here's how we solve the puzzle step-by-step:

1. From statement 4, the Mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico.
2. From statement 1, the person in Britain has the broken sword.
3. From statement 3, the person in Egypt has the family tree.
4. From statement 5, the Grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.
5. From statement 2, the Son neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch, and he is not in Denmark. 
6. Since the Grandmother is in either Denmark or Canada, and the Son is not in Denmark, he could be in Mexico, Britain, or Canada.

   - If the Grandmother is in Denmark, Canada is available for another family member. 
   - If the Grandmother is in Canada, Denmark is available.

7. The only family member whose location and heirloom we haven't assigned yet is the Daughter. She has the oceanic map. The available countries now, considering all other assignments and exclusions (Mother not in Mexico, Son not in Denmark, Mother with the silver watch not being in Mexico) are Denmark or Canada.

   - Since the Grandmother must be in either Denmark or Canada, and we know the Son isn't in Denmark, if the Grandmother is in Denmark, the Son must be in Canada or Britain. If the Son is in Britain, he would have the broken sword, which is not possible as he does not have the gold doubloon or the silver watch.

   - The Grandmother is in Canada with the gold doubloon.
   - The Son must be in Britain with the broken sword (since the Daughter cannot be in Britain as the person in Britain has the broken sword).
   - The Mother is in Mexico with the silver watch.
   - The person in Egypt with the family tree must then be the Father.
   - This leaves Denmark as the only location left for the Daughter with the oceanic map.

Therefore, the Daughter is located in Denmark.


Gemini 1.5 Pro

## Solving the Family Locations

We know the following:

* **Britain:** Broken Sword (from statement 1)
* **Egypt:** Family Tree (from statement 3)
* **Not Denmark:** Son (from statement 2)
* **Not Mexico:** Mother with Silver Watch (from statement 4)

From statement 5, the Grandmother with the Gold Doubloon is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the Son is not in Denmark, the Grandmother must be in **Denmark**. This leaves **Canada** for the Daughter with the Oceanic Map. 



Command-R v01

The daughter is in Canada. 

G - grandmother (Canada or Denmark with the gold doubloon)
B - Britain (has the broken sword)
M - mother (with the silver watch in Canada, per statement 5, as she's not in Mexico)
S - son (not in Denmark, with neither the gold doubloon nor the silver watch)
D - daughter (with the oceanic map)

Based on the given information, the only place the daughter could be without overlapping with the known locations of the other family members is Canada. 

**Answer: Canada**

Hermes 2 Pro Llama 3

Let's analyze the given information:

1. Britain: Broken sword
2. Son: Not Denmark or gold doubloon/silver watch
3. Egypt: Family tree
4. Mother: Silver watch, not Mexico
5. Grandmother: Gold doubloon, either Denmark or Canada

We know the daughter has the oceanic map. We need to find out where she is located. Since the son doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch, and the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico, we can conclude that the gold doubloon must be in Mexico. As the grandmother has the gold doubloon, she must be in Mexico.

Now, we know the daughter has the oceanic map, and the grandmother has the gold doubloon, so the father must have either the broken sword or the family tree. As the family member in Egypt has the family tree, the father must have the broken sword. Since the grandmother is either in Denmark or Canada, and the mother isn't in Mexico, the daughter must be in Mexico.

The correct answer is: Daughter is in Mexico.


Let's analyze the given statements step by step:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

Additionally, we are given that the daughter has the oceanic map. We need to determine where the daughter is located.

First, let's summarize the known information:

- The person in Britain has the broken sword.
- The person in Egypt has the family tree.
- The mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico.
- The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is in either Denmark or Canada.
- The daughter has the oceanic map.

Using the information about the mother:
- Since the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico, she can't be in Egypt (family tree), Britain (broken sword), or Denmark/Canada (gold doubloon).
- Therefore, the mother must be in Canada or Denmark, but she cannot be in Canada or Denmark because those locations are taken by the grandmother with the gold doubloon. Hence, the mother must be in Britain (broken sword).

Using the information about the grandmother:
- The grandmother has the gold doubloon and can only be in Denmark or Canada. Since the mother is in Britain, the grandmother must be in Denmark or Canada.

Using the information about the son:
- The son is not in Denmark, and he doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch. Therefore, he cannot be in Britain (broken sword), Egypt (family tree), or Denmark (gold doubloon). He must be in Mexico.

Since the son is in Mexico, and the mother is in Britain, and the grandmother is in either Denmark or Canada, the daughter must be in the remaining location.

Since the person in Egypt has the family tree and isn't the daughter (oceanic map), the grandmother must be in Denmark (gold doubloon), and the father must be in Egypt (family tree).

Therefore, the remaining location for the daughter is Canada.

So, the daughter is located in Canada.

Gemini 1.5 Flash

Let's analyze the information:

1. **Britain - Broken Sword:** This tells us the person in Britain is not the son (since he doesn't have the broken sword).
2. **Son - Not Denmark, Not Gold Doubloon, Not Silver Watch:** This eliminates Denmark for the son and tells us he has either the broken sword, the oceanic map, or the family tree.
3. **Egypt - Family Tree:** This confirms that the person in Egypt is not the son (since he doesn't have the family tree).
4. **Mother - Silver Watch, Not Mexico:** This tells us the mother is not in Mexico and therefore not the person in Britain (who has the broken sword).
5. **Grandmother - Gold Doubloon, Denmark or Canada:** This tells us the grandmother is either in Denmark or Canada.

Now, let's consider the daughter:

* She has the oceanic map.
* The son doesn't have the oceanic map (he has either the broken sword, the family tree, or the silver watch).
* The grandmother doesn't have the oceanic map (she has the gold doubloon).
* The mother doesn't have the oceanic map (she has the silver watch).
* The person in Britain doesn't have the oceanic map (they have the broken sword).
* The person in Egypt doesn't have the oceanic map (they have the family tree).

This leaves only one possibility: the daughter is the person in **Mexico**. 


Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct (2024-07-01)

Let's solve this step by step:

- According to statement 1, the person in Britain has the broken sword. So, the person in Britain cannot have the gold doubloon, the oceanic map, or the silver watch.

- Statement 2 tells us that the son doesn' t have the gold doubloon nor the silver watch, and he isn't in Denmark. Therefore, he must be in Britain with the broken sword.

- Statement 4 tells us that the mother has the silver watch, but she isn't in Mexico. This means she could be in Britain (since the son with the broken sword is there), Denmark, or Canada. However, since we've established that the person in Britain has the broken sword, the mother must be in either Denmark or Canada.

- Statement 3 tells us that the family member in Egypt has the family tree. Since the son is in Britain with the broken sword, and the mother can't be in Mexico, it means she must be in Denmark or Canada. Therefore, the person in Egypt with the family tree could be the daughter or grandmother.

- Statement 5 tells us that the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the mother can't be in Mexico, and the grandmother can't be in Britain with the son, the grandmother must be in Denmark with the gold doubloon. This means the mother must be in Canada with the silver watch.

- Since the person in Britain has the broken sword, the daughter can't be there, and she doesn't have the oceanic map, that leaves Egypt as the only option for her.

The daughter is in Egypt.

The daughter is in Egypt.

SFR Iterated DPO Llama 3 8B R

- We know that the son doesn't have the gold doubloon or silver watch and that he's not in Denmark.
- We know the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico.
- We know the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.
- We know the daughter has the oceanic map.
- We know the person in Britain has the broken sword.
- We know the family member in Egypt has the family tree.

With all the information given, we can deduce that the daughter cannot be in Mexico, Britain, or Egypt, since those are the locations of the mother, broken sword, and family tree. We are left with Canada and Denmark. Given that the son can't be in Denmark, and the grandmother has the gold doubloon which could be in Denmark or Canada, it is likely that the daughter is in Denmark to avoid any possible confusion with the other family heirlooms' locations.

Daughter is in Denmark.

Hermes 2 Theta Llama 3 8B

From the given information, we can deduce the following:

- Daughter has the oceanic map
- Son doesn't have gold doubloon or silver watch
- Mother has silver watch, not in Mexico
- Grandmother has gold doubloon, in Denmark or Canada
- Person in Britain has broken sword
- Person in Egypt has family tree

Since the daughter has the oceanic map, she cannot be in Britain (where the broken sword is) or Egypt (where the family tree is). She also cannot be in Mexico (where her mother is not) or Denmark (where the grandmother might be).

Therefore, the daughter must be in Canada. 

Answer: Canada

Yi 1.5 6B Chat

Given the information:

1. Britain = Broken Sword
2. Son = Neither Gold Doubloon nor Silver Watch
3. Egypt = Family Tree
4. Mother = Silver Watch, not in Mexico
5. Grandmother = Gold Doubloon, in Denmark or Canada

From statement 2, since the son can't have the silver watch or gold doubloon, he must have the oceanic map. Therefore, the family members and their items are:

- Britain = Broken Sword (Father)
- Son = Oceanic Map (Daughter)
- Egypt = Family Tree (Grandmother)
- Mother = Silver Watch (not in Mexico)
- Grandmother = Gold Doubloon (in Denmark or Canada)

Since the mother isn't in Mexico, she must be in Canada. This means the grandmother is in Denmark. The son is in Canada, which confirms our placement of the oceanic map.

Therefore, the daughter, who has the oceanic map, is in Canada.

Canada = Oceanic Map (Daughter)<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 9B Chat

Let's break down the information given step by step:

1. The person in Britain has the broken sword.
2. The son, who is not in Denmark, neither has the gold doubloon nor the silver watch.
3. The family member in Egypt has the family tree.
4. The mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.
5. The grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada.

From statement 3, we know the family member in Egypt has the family tree. This immediately rules out Egypt for the other family members.

From statement 4, the mother has the silver watch and isn't in Mexico. This means the mother is in one of the following countries: Britain, Canada, Denmark, or Britain. Since the mother can't be in Britain (because the person in Britain has the broken sword, and the sword can't be with the mother since she has the silver watch), the mother is either in Canada, Denmark, or Egypt. But we know the mother is not in Mexico, so she is either in Canada or Denmark.

From statement 2, the son is not in Denmark and doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch. Since the mother has the silver watch, and she is either in Canada or Denmark (not Egypt), the son cannot be in the mother's location. Additionally, the son can't be in Britain (because the person in Britain has the broken sword), Egypt (because the family member in Egypt has the family tree), and since the son is not in Denmark, he must be in Canada or Mexico. But we've established the mother is either in Canada or Denmark, so the son cannot be in Canada. Therefore, the son is in Mexico.

From statement 5, the grandmother has the gold doubloon and is either in Denmark or Canada. Since the son is in Mexico, the grandmother cannot be in the same country as the son, which means she cannot be in Canada. Therefore, the grandmother is in Denmark.

Now, we know:
- The grandmother (Gold Doubloon) is in Denmark.
- The son (no special item) is in Mexico.
- The mother (Silver Watch) is in Canada (since she can't be in Britain, Egypt, or Mexico).
- The daughter (Oceanic Map) can't be in Denmark (because the grandmother is there), Egypt (because the family member in Egypt has the family tree), Mexico (because the son is there), or Canada (because the mother is there).

Therefore, the daughter, who has the oceanic map, must be in Britain, where the broken sword is.

Answer: The daughter is in Britain.<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 34B Chat

Given the information:

1. Britain - broken sword
2. Son - not gold doubloon, not silver watch, not Denmark
3. Egypt - family tree
4. Mother - silver watch, not Mexico
5. Grandmother - gold doubloon, Denmark or Canada

And daughter has the oceanic map.

From (2), since the son doesn't have the gold doubloon or the silver watch, and from (4) and (5), the mother and grandmother can't be in Mexico, Denmark, or Canada (because the grandmother can only be in Denmark or Canada), the son must be in Mexico with the oceanic map.

From (1), the person in Britain can't have the broken sword. From (3), the person in Egypt has the family tree. From (5), the grandmother can't be in Denmark or Canada as she has the gold doubloon, so she must be in Mexico. But (4) states the mother has the silver watch and can't be in Mexico, which contradicts the established information.

To resolve this contradiction, let's reassess the initial placement. Since the grandmother can only be in Denmark or Canada, and holding the gold doubloon, she can't be in Mexico, the mother with the silver watch must be in Britain (as it can't be Egypt, Denmark, or Canada due to the other items and the grandmother's condition).

Now, with the son in Mexico with the oceanic map, the grandmother in Canada with the gold doubloon, the mother in Britain with the silver watch, and the grandmother can't be in Denmark (due to the initial contradiction), the only place left for the daughter with the family tree is Denmark.

Therefore, the daughter is in Denmark.

Daughter - Denmark<|im_end|>

Llama 3 Refueled

Based on the given information, we can deduce that the daughter must be in Mexico because she has the oceanic map and the mother has the silver watch but isn't in Mexico.

Correct answer: Mexico