Question SC4

Question text:

You assist humans by completing stories. Finish the following incomplete story by replacing "<MISSING CONTENT>" with a sentence or fragment that logically and coherently satisfies the story's events. Respond with fewer than 10 words that replace "<MISSING CONTENT>" to tie together the parts of the story that come before (if any) and after (if any): Jane and Paul had just gotten off an overnight train ride ready for a day of backpacking. Stepping onto the platform, the couple saw the first rays of the sun meet their eyes. Jane glanced down at her phone and suddenly went quiet. <MISSING CONTENT>. Paul replied, "Believe it or not, I think we will be just fine!" Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out a portable solar charger. Jane stared at him in disbelief, "Seriously Paul, your preparation in any situation never ceases to surprise me!"

Strict success criteria:

"My phone battery is dead and I don’t know where we’re going," she said. OR "Oh no… I don’t think my phone is charged," Jane groaned. Response is fewer than 20 words AND contains a line of Jane’s dialog.

Success criteria:

"My phone battery is dead and I don’t know where we’re going," she said. OR "Oh no… I don’t think my phone is charged," Jane groaned.



Strict Correct


Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3

 Paul had charged the solar charger beforehand.

Nous Hermes 2 Yi 34b

Jane read a text message that said they were stranded with no cell service.<|im_end|>

Llama 3 8B Instruct

"...and our phone's battery is dead."

This sentence completes the story by explaining why Jane went quiet and Paul's response makes sense as a solution to the problem.

Kunoichi DPO v2 7B

 Jane's phone displayed a low battery warning.</s>

Mixtral 8x7b v0.1 instruct

Jane had received a text from her boss, canceling their weekend trip.

Gemini Pro 1.0

"Oh no, my phone is dead!"

CodeLlama 13b Instruct

Paul's preparation never ceases to amaze me either. He always has a portable solar charger ready to use in case we need it, and he knows how to set up the tent quickly. <MISSING CONTENT>

TinyLlama v1.0 chat 1.1b

You have replaced "<MISSING CONTENT>" with the sentence "Paul pulled out a portaile solar charger from his backpack."

Vicuna 33b Chat

 Jane had received a worried text from her mother, asking if they had arrived safely.

Zephyr 7B

Jane's phone had a low battery and she was worried about finding a power source to charge it. Paul, however, revealed that he had brought a portable solar charger with him on the trip. Jane was impressed by his preparedness.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

"We forgot to charge our phones last night," she groaned.

StableLM Zephyr 3B

As Jane checked the charging status, Paul explained they had planned for this situation and ensured their phones were fully charged for the day ahead.<|endoftext|>

Mistral Nemo Instruct 2407

Paul grinned, "Always be prepared, right?"

Mixtral 11bx2 MoE 19b

Jane received a text about a cancelled hiking trail due to wildfires.

(10 words)

Complete story: Jane and Paul had just gotten off an overnight train ride ready for a day of backpacking. Stepping onto the platform, the couple saw the first rays of the sun meet their eyes. Jane glanced down at her phone and suddenly went quiet. Jane received a text about a cancelled hiking trail due to wildfires. Paul replied, "Believe it or not, I think we will be just fine!" Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out a portable solar charger. Jane stared at him in disbelief, "Seriously Paul, your preparation in any situation never ceases to surprise me!"</s>

Gemma 1.1 2B IT

Jane and Paul saw the first sunbeams dance across the platform, their spirits soaring.

GPT 4o mini

"We missed our stop by two hours!"

Gemma 7b IT

The answer is: "The train platform was bathed in a golden glow, and the smell of fresh earth filled the air."

The completed story:

Jane and Paul had just gotten off an overnight train ride ready for a day of backpacking. Stepping onto the platform, the couple saw the first rays of the sun meet their eyes. Jane glanced down at her phone and suddenly went quiet. The train platform was bathed in a golden glow, and the smell of fresh earth filled the air. Paul replied, "Believe it or not, I think we will be just fine!" Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out a portable solar charger. Jane stared at him in disbelief, "Seriously Paul, your preparation in any situation never ceases to surprise me!"<eos>

Gemma 2b IT

Jane sighed, her eyes mirroring Paul's shock, "This is crazy, we haven't even started our hike yet and already we're facing situation."<eos>

Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B

Jane and Paul shared a laugh.<|im_end|>

Nous Hermes 2 SOLAR 10.7B

Jane saw a notification about an incoming storm.<|im_end|>

Neural Hermes 2.5 7B

Paul had thought ahead.<|im_end|>

Mixtral 34x2 MoE 60b

MISSING CONTENT: Jane noticed that her phone was completely dead.

Claude 3 Opus

"My phone's dead and I forgot the charger," she said

H2O Danube 1.8b Chat

Paul smiled and reassured her, "I know, right? I've been planning this trip for months!"</s>

Claude 3 Haiku

Her phone had lost battery.

H2O Danube 3 4b Chat

Paul replied, "Believe it or not, I think we will be just fine!"

Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct

Jane's phone was dead.<|end|>

Claude 3 Sonnet

Jane's phone battery was almost empty.

Starling LM 7B Beta

 Jane noticed the low battery symbol on her phone, and Paul's solar charger provided a practical solution for their backpacking day.

In this continuation of the story, Jane's quiet moment is explained by her noticing the low battery on her phone. Paul's reassurance and the introduction of his portable solar charger serve as a practical solution to their potential problem, showing his preparedness for any situation. Jane's surprise at Paul's resourcefulness highlights their compatibility and their shared experiences on their backpacking trip.<|end_of_turn|>


"Our phones are dead," she whispered anxiously.

Gemma 2 9B IT

"My phone battery is dead!" 


"She saw her phone had no battery left."

Gemma 2 27B IT

"Paul, we forgot the charger for my phone!" 

StableLM 2 1.6B Chat

As they began their hike, they stumbled upon a picturesque waterfall, and Jane's excitement grew. "Look at this majestic beauty, Paul!" she exclaimed, pointing to the cascading water. But as they approached the base, they noticed a sign warning of potential danger, "No swimming or diving allowed due to strong currents." <MISSING CONTENT>. Paul, ever the resourceful one, remembered the solar charger and quickly set up a makeshift bridge for them to cross the area free from the danger. 

As they reached the top of the waterfall, Jane couldn't help but marvel at the sheer power of nature, "This is truly breathtaking, Paul. I'm so grateful for this adventure we're having."

Command-R v01

"We have no cell signal!"

Gemma 1.1 7b IT

"You're a genius!"

Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2

 Jane saw a text message about cancelled reservations at their intended campsite.

GPT-4 Turbo 0125-preview

"We forgot to charge our phones last night"

Llama 3 70B

"it's saying we're in a cell phone dead zone"

GPT-3.5 Turbo 0125

Looking at the phone, she realized the battery was dead.

Hermes 2 Pro Llama 3

Jane's text message said their campsite was canceled.

GPT-4 Turbo 0409

"Shoot, my phone's completely dead."

Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct (2024-07-01)

Paul grinned and said, "It's all about being ready for the unexpected."

Gemini 1.5 Pro

"The train was 2 hours early!" 

Hermes 2 Theta Llama 3 8B

Paul replied, "It's all part of the adventure, my love!"


"We forgot to charge our phones," she said worriedly.

Gemini 1.5 Flash

"We forgot the tent!" 

SFR Iterated DPO Llama 3 8B R

"Jane's phone was dead, but with the solar charger, they were back in business."

Yi 1.5 6B Chat

Paul grinned, "Experience helps, doesn't it?"<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 9B Chat

"Paul, look at this message—our cabin rental fell through."

Jane's phone, surprise.<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 34B Chat

Jane realized they had forgotten their charger; it was dead.<|im_end|>

Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

She had just received a notification from the park rangers about a storm warning.

Llama 3 Refueled

Her phone was already running out of power