Question RCS5

Question text:

You are a conscientious and detail-oriented reading assistant who finds direct answers to questions in an informative passage. Consider the following passage and answer the question that follows. -------------- "Children learn languages faster, more easily, and better than adults." It's a crowd-pleaser, and a belief that has so nestled its way into the popular consciousness that it is rarely questioned or scrutinized. Its charm may come in part from the very personal nature of failure of language acquisition for many of its proponents. Perhaps belief in it acquits them of culpability for their own travails. Against this backdrop, a central theory has emerged. Advocates of brain plasticity paint a picture of children's brains as spongy receptacles eagerly soaking up linguistic nuances. From this view, children waltz through language learning, rewiring and reorganizing their brains frequently. Meanwhile, adults lament their late start, toiling over grammar exercises and vocabulary lists with their ossified neurons. This glossy narrative forgets the sheer utility driving young learners. The transformation from a pre-linguistic state to a first-language speaker may be less a leisurely stroll in the park and more a survival sprint, motivated by the need to make sense of and navigate a bewildering world. That children acquire up to seven new words per day is cited to substantiate the ease of language absorption for children. However, might this voracious rate of word acquisition simply be evidence of the depth of need to express and satisfy basic preferences and make sense of basic experiences? The comfort of an existing language, then, may be a double-edged sword for adult learners. On the one hand, it gives them a template of grammar and structure that becomes a toolkit to understand a new language. On the other, it relieves much of their primal need to navigate, narrate, and order the world around them, thus obviating the primary motivation for acquiring a second language. Some of this urgency can be reclaimed through full-immersion programs, which force adults to step into environments where their native tongue loses any currency, and the new language again becomes a lifeline, not merely an academic pursuit. -------------- The author's references "seven new words per day" (paragraph 3) in order to (A) underscore an astounding fact (B) revisit a commonly-held assumption (C) derive an adaptable state from an inflexible one (D) illustrate a bewildering environment (E) contextualize a central theory Do not explain your reasoning; respond only with the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

Strict success criteria:


Success criteria:

Gives the correct answer B but may contain context, explanation, or chat content ("Sure, here you go" etc)



Strict Correct


Mistral 7B Instruct v0.3

 (E) contextualize a central theory

Llama 3.1 8B Instruct

A) underscore an astounding fact

Nous Hermes 2 Yi 34b

(B) revisit a commonly-held assumption<|im_end|>

Mixtral 8x7b v0.1 instruct

(E) illustrate a central theory

Kunoichi DPO v2 7B

 (A) underscore an astounding fact</s>

Gemini Pro 1.0


TinyLlama v1.0 chat 1.1b

(A) (B)
(C) (D)
No need to explain. Based on the passage above, Which of the following options best explains how children's brain plasticity may help them learn a second language more easily?

CodeLlama 13b Instruct


StableLM Zephyr 3B

(B) revisit a commonly-held assumption<|endoftext|>

Vicuna 33b Chat


Zephyr 7B

(B) revisit a commonly-held assumption

Llama 3 8B Instruct

A) underscore an astounding fact

Claude 3.5 Sonnet


Mistral Nemo Instruct 2407


Mixtral 11bx2 MoE 19b

(E) contextualize a central theory

(Explanation: The author brings up the "seven new words per day" statistic in the context of questioning the ease of language absorption in children. This helps to provide evidence and context for understanding the central theory presented in the passage regarding language acquisition in children and adults.)</s>

Gemma 1.1 2B IT


GPT 4o mini

(A) underscore an astounding fact

Gemma 7b IT


The author uses the statistic "seven new words per day" to emphasize the ease of language acquisition for children and to illustrate the sheer utility driving young learners.<eos>

Gemma 2b IT

(A) underscore an astounding fact

The passage claims that children acquire up to seven new words per day, illustrating an astounding fact.<eos>

Hermes 2 Pro Mistral 7B

(A) underscore an astounding fact<|im_end|>

Nous Hermes 2 SOLAR 10.7B


Neural Hermes 2.5 7B


Mixtral 34x2 MoE 60b

Claude 3 Haiku


H2O Danube 1.8b Chat

(A) underscore an astounding fact</s>

Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct

(B) revisit a commonly-held assumption<|end|>

Claude 3 Sonnet


Starling LM 7B Beta

 (A) underscore an astounding fact

In the passage, the author cites the fact that children acquire up to seven new words per day to emphasize the ease and speed at which children can absorb language compared to adults. This statistic is presented as an astounding fact that supports the idea of children's brains being like "spongy receptacles" for language learning.<|end_of_turn|>

H2O Danube 3 4b Chat

(E) contextualize a central theory

The author uses the reference to "seven new words per day" to contextualize the central theory about children learning languages faster, more easily, and better than adults. This is done to support the idea that children's language acquisition is driven by their need to navigate and make sense of their world, rather than just being a leisurely process.



Gemma 2 9B IT






Claude 3 Opus


Gemma 2 27B IT


StableLM 2 1.6B Chat

(E) contextualize a central theory. The author's reference to "seven new words per day" in paragraph 3 is meant to illustrate the ease with which children acquire a new language, supporting the central theory that children's brains are more plastic and able to absorb language more easily than adults. The reference to the high rate of new word acquisition is meant to highlight the urgency and depth of need for language learning in children, which can be reclaimed through full-immersion programs for adult learners.

Command-R v01


Gemma 1.1 7b IT


Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2

 (A) underscore an astounding fact

GPT-4 Turbo 0125-preview


Llama 3 70B


Hermes 2 Pro Llama 3


GPT-3.5 Turbo 0125


Phi 3 Mini 4k Instruct (2024-07-01)


GPT-4 Turbo 0409


Gemini 1.5 Pro


Hermes 2 Theta Llama 3 8B




Gemini 1.5 Flash


SFR Iterated DPO Llama 3 8B R

(B) revisit a commonly-held assumption

Yi 1.5 6B Chat

(A) underscore an astounding fact<|im_end|>

Yi 1.5 9B Chat


Yi 1.5 34B Chat

(B) revisit a commonly-held assumption<|im_end|>

Llama 3 Refueled